Funniest things over heard or said this weekend?

Great moment. :D

Not so much funny as....eerie: We were waiting for Adagio downstairs in the lobby of the Fairfield on Sunday. They're a French band (mostly), of course, and so it seemed a little....twisted....when the muzac in the lobby started playing the theme from "The Pink Panther." Right on cue, they all showed up. :)

I got this weird mind-image of Stephan Forte lying in wait for Chief Inspector Cleauseu and then this long, elaborate slow-motion fight happening in the lobby, just like in the movie..... :D :D
dargormudshark said:
On Pain Of Salvation's performance. A girl after the show exclaimed, "he's so beautiful [Daniel Gildenlow], I want to cry."

She's gonna have to fight my buddy Brian for him...

- R
Heh. I leaned over to Sarah during the show and said "He's SO cute in an overachieving nerd kinda way."

Actually, I wouldn't kick any of 'em out of bed for eating crackers, really.
Troy from IE saying something along the lines of, "Why would she be all talking and flirting with me if she's not gonna F*ck me?!" and my retaliation was a very sarcastic, "Maybe because you opened your mouth?" Fortunately, we were both kidding :)

Now, the funniest thing I actually did was to poor Vish on the down elevator ride to the monster party on the 2nd floor Saturday night. I was commenting on how, *ahem*, sober (yeah, that's it, sober!) I was and that I needed another beer. Vish was holding his beer bottle and said he didn't think he was gonna be able to finish it. I said, "Oh, really?!" and schlocked the top of his bottle with the bottom of mine, which thusly caused a "beer eruption", which thusly caused Vish to finish his beer (rather quickly, I might add). He thusly chased me around the 2nd floor hallways trying to get me back by either shaking and shooting or pouring it on my head. So if you saw some tall brunette running sporadically through the halls with a look of terror on her face, now you know why! And thanks, Vish for not going through with it! I already had one beer bath that night! :headbang:
There's only one that can have this honor for me:

The illustrious (and fairly infamous) Nick Van Dyk looking at Maria, turning to me and saying...

"Kill Me, stuff me, and point me in that direction" (pointing at her)

I don't think I have ever laughed so hard...

I got a pic with Derek too in his skirt :) I kept telling him we could switch skirts friday night but he said he would hang out of it and I said, "na, I don't think you have to worry too much about that" I love him, he took all of my abuse so well.
lady_space said:
Derek (?) was definitely a cool dude. And Mike got a great picture of his g/f and me with him. :) I'd put it in here if only I could figure out how!
I'm going to attempt to add that pic in here for ya. :)

L-R: Tracie (my g/f), Derek "that goth guy", Shaye


lady_space said:
Derek (?) was definitely a cool dude. And Mike got a great picture of his g/f and me with him. :) I'd put it in here if only I could figure out how!

Yep I got a picture with him. I told him I had to get a pix with "the best dressed at PP." He abliged willingly.


Bad Girl Tess said:
Mmmmmmmmm I have the best picture of me and him in their dressing room. He is pretty!! That hair.....................:oops:
:D You can't brag without proof!! Show us the cool picture. Besides, there can't possibly be enough pictures of that man on this board!!! :tickled:

Tammy Z
13ShadesofGray said:
Troy from IE saying something along the lines of, "Why would she be all talking and flirting with me if she's not gonna F*ck me?!" and my retaliation was a very sarcastic, "Maybe because you opened your mouth?" Fortunately, we were both kidding :)

Yeah, he retold me that story early afternoon at the pool. I felt bad so I gave him a peck. He rolled his eyes and said, "Yeah, that's not really what I meant, but thanks!" I just told him he was in the band he HAD to go home with some action. LOL. Yeah, I'm a bitch!

sh0kr0k said:
:D You can't brag without proof!! Show us the cool picture. Besides, there can't possibly be enough pictures of that man on this board!!! :tickled:

Tammy Z
Yes ma'am! I'll post it ASAP. I forgot about it till I saw this thread and then I remembered .....ah!!! :oops: He's just so darn perty!
jaimek said:
Heh. I leaned over to Sarah during the show and said "He's SO cute in an overachieving nerd kinda way."
That's gotta be the best way to describe all of them (PoS). Gotta love 'em!