Funny Story/Somewhat Nevermore related.


Alone Within My Lunacy
Sep 4, 2001
Visit site
Alright, I had some left over Christmas Money and I went to Fayette Mall in Lexington, Ky. I went to this store called COSMIC which is like "HOT TOPIC" but better. I've purchased the following shirts from this store: MASTODON/LEVIATHAN, AEROSMITH/TOYS IN THE ATTIC, LAMB OF GOD/PURE AMERICAN METAL. ETC... I was browsing and met a guy from Atlanta, Georgia getting ready to buy a VENOM/BLACK METAL shirt. He sid he didn't live in the city, but in the county and he had to order his merchandise on the internet. Next, the guy working at COSMIC asks if we know the "DEAL OF THE DAY". I said, "If we get one shirt, then we get 2 free" just playing around. He said, "The deal of the day is not to be a SMARTASS." Then he said all "hoodies" are half price. I then asked him where the DRAGONLORD shirts where. He said, "They're underneath DRAGONFORCE because DRAGONFORCE is a better band. I laughed right in his face and asked how old he was. He was 21. I said, "Dude, Dragonforce are talented, especially their guitarists, but it's "jack off" guitar". I went on to inform him that if it wasn't for DRAGONLORD members like Eric Peterson/TestAment, & Steve Smyth/Nevermore, Drogonforce wouldn't be. He Later found out I had tickets to Lamb Of God/ Machine Head/Gojira. He said, "Hook me up with tickets." Then I said, "I'm sorry but i can't do that because apperently I'm a SMARTASS."
Go tell that guy to compare the vids of Jeff/Steve doing the Psalm of Lydia solos in their guitar world columns; to the vids of the Dragonforce guys doing their "betcha can't play this" column/lesson thing for guitar world.
My god, the Dragonforce video is absolutely fucking laughable. I'm sure we've all seen it but GOD DAMN.