The 2nd
my friends actually have a pic of this by their bin to remind them when garbage day is lol
n that rock post is awesome
creative yes
not really funny, especially after seeing a concentration camp
but i digress
I gotta disagree. I to am part jew, and I find anti-semitism absolutely hysterical. of all of the people groups in the world. why hate the jews? they look like any other form of white people. look at einstein. whitest man ever.
Always more divisive in their homeland than in any of the dozens of other nations where they’ve long commanded a fanatical, even rabid following, tonight Cradle add to their long legacy of controversy in memorable style, and right on their own doorstep. Pre-show, there was no simmering tension in evidence, no bubbling resentment of the kind some febrile British audiences reserve for the envious castigation of their most successful musical exports. No, the shadowy candyman who prematurely halted the entire show with what was essentially a boiled sweet acted alone. Cast from the darkness of the front rows, the offending confection – a giant gobstopper apparently – sharply connected with a hapless Paul Allender – surely not the intended target – capping a barrage of projectiles that until then had been confined to a relatively harmless assortment of half empty bottles and half eaten sandwiches. “If you’re going to throw drinks at us at least make sure they’re full,“ quipped Dani. Although perhaps understandable, the decision to pull the plug with so much of the show yet to run was severe and as always, it only takes one arsehole to spoil it for everyone else. Cradle didn’t come here to be loved, but they might at least have garnered and even expected some respect. Too bad, really; Dusk And Her Embrace, Gilded Cunt, Nymphmetamine, The Principle Of Evil Made Flesh… it had all been going quite well for a while.