Fur Trade

I couldn't care less. I wouldn't have the guts to do it personally but if some people think it's worth doing to get a paycheck every week then so be it. I'd rather not stress myself out with what other people do, as long as I do what I think is right then I'll have no regrets.
No.. When they harvest an animals meat they kill them QUICKLY. With fur they rip their skin off while they are alive and let them suffer until they die. I have seen the videos where it shows the ALIVE animal without skin crawling around screaming. Its fucked up.

-Flinches.- I couldn't ever stomach watching something like that.. I never even knew they skinned them ALIVE.. That's... beyond awful. >.<
not as awful as what humans do to other humans.

it sickens me that some people put other animals ahead of other humans :erk:
Yeah... But we're talking about animals getting skinned.. Human abuse it a whole nother sickening topic. --;
*points out the events in germany between 1939-1945 the events in rwanda in 1993, somalia 1993, the events in the balkan states 1990-2000 the events in the middle east daily, darfur now, etc.*


im more concerned about inhumanity to humanes than anything else.
Yeah I know. It's a huge thing. It repulses me just as much. Especially things like that, and Rwanda, ect ect I could go on forever. -Shudders.-
yes but animals have NO rights (lol), and they cant struggle.. this world is bad
I couldn't care less. I wouldn't have the guts to do it personally but if some people think it's worth doing to get a paycheck every week then so be it. I'd rather not stress myself out with what other people do, as long as I do what I think is right then I'll have no regrets.
lol, holocaust mentality

Söy;6418329 said:
fuck you my cats struggle all the time :lol:

:zombie: :zombie: :zombie: :zombie:
Söy;6418284 said:
*points out the events in germany between 1939-1945 the events in rwanda in 1993, somalia 1993, the events in the balkan states 1990-2000 the events in the middle east daily, darfur now, etc.*


im more concerned about inhumanity to humanes than anything else.

dont forget Armenian Genocide :zombie:
To me, it's hard to say, this subject is one that's been done over and over again and finally I've come to this conclusion.

It's in human nature to get these intense feelings when you see another creature suffering, especially if you feel it is suffering needlessly... hell it's even normal to want to kill the people that are doing the 'atrocity'. But then you have to look at it as, these people are doing it as a job, not as some sick pleasure they enjoy. You think they enjoy killing animals? They have just de-sensitized themselves enough to block it out and not think about it in their daily lives. Sure, there might be some sick fucks in that field who do enjoy it and makes jokes like "Did you hear the noise that cow made when I sliced it's throat" or whatever, but that doesn't mean the whole profession is that way, the psychos are everywhere.

Overall, I'm strongly opposed to it, but once you look at all the facts you see it's a bit hypocritical to say "HAY GUISE DON'T KILL THAT ANIMAL CUZ IT'S FURRY AND LOVELY" but then you don't care about the cow or chicken that went through equally aweful conditions to end up on your dinner plate.

Like I said, I'm against all animal cruelty, not against killing of animals though. It has to be done, I only wish it was done more humanely. I mean unless it's animal torture (like torture cat, zippo cat) then I guess I can accept it.
Overall, I'm strongly opposed to it, but once you look at all the facts you see it's a bit hypocritical to say "HAY GUISE DON'T KILL THAT ANIMAL CUZ IT'S FURRY AND LOVELY" but then you don't care about the cow or chicken that went through equally aweful conditions to end up on your dinner plate.

The reason some people think that it's okey to kill them if you are going to eat them is that eating is a necessity, why wearing a furry coat isn't.
You can't keep up with what everyone is doing anyway, so some people rather not do it at all.

It's not that I don't do it at all, some things are unavoidable.. I just think the fur industry is such a stupid thing to worry about compared to other shit going on right now. But to voice my opinion on the subject: it's a huge industry whether anybody likes it or not, so I don't see any end to it anytime soon. In the meantime why not try controlling Malaria in African countries? Fuckloads more animals are dying because of that than being skinned.