Fur Trade

my opinion

killing animals in an ok way for meat is fine, it has to be done.

killing animals so poeple can look like fags I am against. There's no point for it.
it's the fucking nature to eat other animals! i hate that hippie talk about not eating other animals. fuck that! if they could, they would eat us (as a matter of fact, whenever they have the chance to eat humans, they do it).

ps: i don't support killing animals for their fur.
You make a valid point.
dude... you know what they do to those animals? They rip their fucking skin off while they are still ALIVE. they have to do it that way cuz it will decay if they are dead when they skin them. Can you imagine getting ur skin ripped off while you are completely awake during? No creature in the world should have to go through that. Except emos.
Since when were you sympathetic for animals? I agree that they shouldn't do this, and personally I would rather kill a human being than a defenseless animal. At least animals aren't complete pillocks on the whole.
Try telling that to an Inuit, mate.

Seriously though, as for my 2 cents, well, I hardly advocate or encourage the fur industry; but equally, I shan't rally against it. You see, whether some might choose to admit it or not, us humans are omnivores by nature (some of us mere carnivores :lol: ). As such, we hunt and eat the meat that is a staple of one's fairly well-balanced diet.

In spite of the use of meat for humans on practical, rudimentary principles, there is RATHER A FUCKING DIFFERENCE between eating meat for righteous, logical reasons (almost survival), and skinning a poor, helpless bugger out of some rich cunt's (often) fashion-driven desires.

*sigh* Ye know, I reckon taxidermy is a far more dignifying option for these ill-fated animals. :lol:
We hunt to survive and eat whatever comes in our path, whereas the more evolved human has developed a taste and desires to eat whichever tastes better. Taste for food and taste for clothing are practically the same, it's a desire to have something, and in doing so it involves either killing or putting an animal through torture. There really isn't anything in particular we could salvage from our own kin however.
Depending on how one prioritizes it all, eating meat could be jusitified for ethical reasons, assuming the individual involved is concerned with the health, weight, diet or whathaveyou of humans'; rather than animal's well-being.

It's a complex issue.
Are you fucking serious? Really, it's this attitude that I take issue with more than anything regarding said topic. That arbitrary, backwards, "no, that bunny is too young and cute; but, uh, that one is older...okay, not old, but it's older, not as CUTE. And, uh, it could catch Myxomatosis!1!11 And cows?! They're never cute! Fuck 'em!" complex some possess, thus marring their alleged moral insight on animal cruelty (however cruel) as being permissible in certain cases (Heartless touched on this too); ala beautiful people are easier to forgive, etc. Hypocrisy.

People need to have a closer, more holistic comprehension and awareness of these issues, in my humble opinion.

Ultimately, having said all that, there are more significant matters (including foot'n'mouth, incidentally. Oh the irony!)...

Nail. On. Head.

stfu gheyz0r :p
It's not that I don't do it at all, some things are unavoidable.. I just think the fur industry is such a stupid thing to worry about compared to other shit going on right now. But to voice my opinion on the subject: it's a huge industry whether anybody likes it or not, so I don't see any end to it anytime soon. In the meantime why not try controlling Malaria in African countries? Fuckloads more animals are dying because of that than being skinned.
One word- Economy. The money coming from GDP and exports of fur from unregulated fur farms pumps so much cash into the countries' economies. As result they have a monstrous industry which is hard to trace, as fur is distributed all over the world- raw. With that they're more able to fund genocide, war, epidemic and other world issues.

No, I'm not saying the fur trade is one of the roots of the world's evils, but it's definitely an unnecessary industry which adds more muscle to "the man", if the industry is legal on his side or not. The monies can be received either directly (farm profits, etc.) or indirectly (supplies bought for the farms).

Here's a video from a Chinese fur farm. Disclaimer- it's bloody. I couldn't get the embed to work.
Alot of people may be against fur, but I wonder how many people here wear teh metuhlz Leather Jackets and pants lol. I don't wear em but they do look cool.
Dude, I just watched that video. first time i've seen a animal being skinned and I almost had a tear seeing that racoon or whatever it was sitting there in just bones and muscles ALIVE, why can't they fuckin shoot it or something the instant they are done. Fuck that shit, I think i'll pass on leather and fur for the rest of my life lol (though I don't think I own anything except maybe a belt...) sometimes I think about becoming vegetarian too but I'm not sure how I'll cope without meat.
Killing animals just for the fur/for the meat/for everything. Is ok for me as long as everything goes by the law (there are laws for that). If they do it swift so the animal won't feel anything/much I think it's okay. It's just stupid that in a lot of places it doesn't happen that way. (Not in the mood for watching the video but I saw a video about dolphins getting slaughtered in Japan.:erk: )
Well, I had watched the raccon get skinned, to the part where it looked like the zombie dogs outside Hyrule Castle in Twilight Princess. Then I fast forwarded it just to see what came next, then I saw that cute white puppy trying to escape from its cage and that is where I shut it off. Enough of that.
Well, I had watched the raccon get skinned, to the part where it looked like the zombie dogs outside Hyrule Castle in Twilight Princess. Then I fast forwarded it just to see what came next, then I saw that cute white puppy trying to escape from its cage and that is where I shut it off. Enough of that.
Dude me too, I saw that puppy and I was like :( and shut it off then as well.

So what's the deal with leather, do they do that shit while the animals are alive too? Or do they do that after they kill em for the meat.