Future's End Kicked Ass in Houston


Feb 17, 2006
Charlotte, NC
I saw Future's End open up for Symphony X in Houston Saturday night and as expected they were awesome! Not only are they getting better and better live on stage, they are a bunch of great guys to talk to! Let's get these guys back to ProgPower!!!!

While I did enjoy their show I thought they sounded rather rusty. Like they hadn't gotten in enough rehearsal time.

I definitely agree that they're a bunch of great guys. "You guys here to see Symphony X? Me too! True story!" I got a big kick out of that.
Saw these guys open for Fates Warning in Houston last year. One of the worst metal performances I've seen really. I found the guitar work very sloppy and their tone abominable... But their singer was self-deprecating and seemed to realize they suck. Six Minute Century deserved to be the main opener that night.
Saw these guys open for Fates Warning in Houston last year. One of the worst metal performances I've seen really. I found the guitar work very sloppy and their tone abominable... But their singer was self-deprecating and seemed to realize they suck. Six Minute Century deserved to be the main opener that night.

Wow. I don't know what to say to that. When I saw them at the kickoff a couple of years ago, I have to say they were one of the best opening acts I've seen -- not to mention that I believe it was their first gig. So yeah, I gotta completely disagree with you on them unless they were just off that night (which I find highly unlikely).
Saw these guys open for Fates Warning in Houston last year. One of the worst metal performances I've seen really. I found the guitar work very sloppy and their tone abominable... But their singer was self-deprecating and seemed to realize they suck. Six Minute Century deserved to be the main opener that night.

I know a good neurologist if you want to go that route... :lol:
Saw these guys open for Fates Warning in Houston last year. One of the worst metal performances I've seen really. I found the guitar work very sloppy and their tone abominable... But their singer was self-deprecating and seemed to realize they suck. Six Minute Century deserved to be the main opener that night.

I couldn't disagree more with this statement.
Maybe their bad tone and sloppy guitars had something to do with the amount of alcohol this dude consumed!!! :D:D

Nah, just a keen ear. It's okay, sometimes shitty bands are popular in niche circles for odd reasons. I'm perfectly happy being in the minority on this one, though I certainly wasn't at that particular performance. They got the least enthusiastic response of the night. The people who hadn't wandered back to the bar were as animated as elephant seals under anaesthesia.
Dude you must NOT have a keen ear, especially to call Future's End shitty, or to give the impression you are calling them shitty. Granted you are entitled to your opinion, but to say that in an open forum shows a definete lack of tact.
Nah, just a keen ear. It's okay, sometimes shitty bands are popular in niche circles for odd reasons. I'm perfectly happy being in the minority on this one, though I certainly wasn't at that particular performance. They got the least enthusiastic response of the night. The people who hadn't wandered back to the bar were as animated as elephant seals under anaesthesia.

Gee dude, that is mean. But I agree with you. Six Minute Century has the talent. While Future's End left me cold ... both times (at PP and Scout Bar). I don't regret missing them a third time at the Symphony X show.
Dude you must NOT have a keen ear, especially to call Future's End shitty, or to give the impression you are calling them shitty. Granted you are entitled to your opinion, but to say that in an open forum shows a definete lack of tact.

It was intentional hyperbole on my part to suggest they're simply a "shitty band" (music is too subjective for such proclamations) in response to their apologists here questioning my sobriety and sanity, something I'd suggest is more offensive than one onlooker's forum criticism of a lackluster live performance ;) I don't find them to be a shitty band, just not a very good one, despite having some songs I liked. I fully meant everything else I stated above, though. Looking around Scout Bar and reading 5150's post, I don't think I was alone in being underwhelmed...
So both times you saw them was at the Scout bar? That may have something to do with it, as I have heard from numerous bands that the sound there is not always what it should be, especially using the in-house sound guy. Not trying to make excuses, but Future's End is a fabulous live band, and i have heard my share of live bands.

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Haha! Thanks all! :)
Not only was the place packed from the stage to the back, but my ears are STILL ringing from the crowd noise. They were louder than the band! We had a hell of a great time playing for you all.

Michael Romeo and crew watched us play. I passed him in the hall not 2 minutes after they left the stage. I didn't even see him, but he stopped me, grabbed my arm and stuck out his hand, shook it thoroughly, and said 'You guys blew me away. Your band is great'.

Not everyone is gonna dig what we do, and quite frankly, we have had better nights in terms of tone and tightness, but we had a blast. One of the most enjoyable live experiences I have had.

Thank you, Houston. We had a killer time playing for you!

See you on the road in the fall!
Haha! Thanks all! :)
Not only was the place packed from the stage to the back, but my ears are STILL ringing from the crowd noise. They were louder than the band! We had a hell of a great time playing for you all.

Michael Romeo and crew watched us play. I passed him in the hall not 2 minutes after they left the stage. I didn't even see him, but he stopped me, grabbed my arm and stuck out his hand, shook it thoroughly, and said 'You guys blew me away. Your band is great'.

Not everyone is gonna dig what we do, and quite frankly, we have had better nights in terms of tone and tightness, but we had a blast. One of the most enjoyable live experiences I have had.

Thank you, Houston. We had a killer time playing for you!

See you on the road in the fall!
