
HAHA I haven't read that one yet. I haven't read anything of his since Bag of Bones. Not sure why. Probably because BOB was so damn creepy at the end, even for him. Or maybe it's cause Dan Spitz said it's bad for me. Who knows why I do (or don't do) anything? I'll catch up eventually.

Usually he's all over the Ramones, nice to see he knows there's other bands out there, and he gives props where they belong.
I LOVE Stephen King. I remember reading that. Stephen King is a METAL fan.
I love Steve almost as much as Scott Ian does.
Originally posted by Jono
I was just reading Waste Lands by steven king agian and One of the characters, Eddie Dean, recalls seeing Anthrax and Megadeth in concert, and how loud Anthrax was :)

Ironically, I'm reading that same book right now. Is it just me or is the whole story fucking crazy?:devil:
Not a big fan off Mr Kings later work but have you read the four novels he did as Richard Bachman Rage, the long walk, roadwork,the running man. Mostley stories about isolation and the crushing oppresion of the system, powerful stuff and by far the best work produced by his prolific hand.
Waste Lands is the third one in the Dark Tower right?? I read the first two, just haven't gotten around to that one. My sister let me borrow it and I had it for like two years and I didn't read it so I gave it back. She has Wizards and Glass too, it's just a matter of getting off my ass. I went on a wild Anne Rice kick for a couple years so King got lost. And his later stuff is kind of out there, not as cool as the older stuff anyway. I'll go back and read it as soon as I finish the two I'm working on, I SWEAR.
goddamn! anotherr coincedence we've shared, The Man, YEah the story is pretty fucking crazy thats what caused me to stop reading it a while back. He sorta throws all this shit at you and they get explained as you go, I'm assuming you've read the first two if not that could explain some of the crazyness.
Bodylouseuk: yeah my friend said that the Running Man was awesome but I haven't read it yet. I saw the movie but I was told it was much different and better in the book. which is good because the movie was a cool concept, but not very stephen king-ish (although he did write it as someone else) so is his style different as Bachman?
Stephen King has some good ideas but his books would be so much better if he could actually write worth a damn, I'll stick to Clive Barker I think.

Oh, and hello everybody (in my best Dr.Nick accent) :D

Hello Mr Mindmorgue not sure about Clive "let me make this novel as complicated as possible " Barker being better than SK. It is nice to have someone else from England in here surrounded by Americans you know, perhaps we can discuss the weather and bowler hats over a nice cup of tea.
Originally posted by Bodylouseuk
Hello Mr Mindmorgue not sure about Clive "let me make this novel as complicated as possible " Barker being better than SK.

The're not complicated, you're just thick :D
Least he doesn't tell you what's going to happen like SK, and he knows what a good ending is.

It is nice to have someone else from England in here surrounded by Americans you know, perhaps we can discuss the weather and bowler hats over a nice cup of tea.
It's raining as usual.

And yeah The Hellbound Heart is excellent if a little short.
Imajica rules.

hey MindMorgue
I'm not realy that big of an SK fan, but have you tried the Dark Tower series? it's probably his best work. It comes straight from the heart and you can tell. He doesn't realy tell you whats going to happen in this one. The first one throws you in with no clue of whats going on or why it's going on.
Yeah well, try reading #2 and then #1 like I did, and you'll really have no idea what's going on, probably why I didn't finish the series, but the story is weird as hell. Probably my fave SK book though is Eyes of the Dragon, very thoughtful.