

New Metal Member
Oct 16, 2004
I was wondering..
Why isn't Micheal Romeo invited to G3? He can really shred and can devour most guitar players...
Well, I for one think he would certainly be an excellent addition to G3, but he is not as well known as the other G3 players have been so that might be a factor. He also has said himself that he prefers to be a band player. I would love to see him play some of his Dark Chapter stuff live, but it would probably be difficult to arrange for a live performance because there are so many different guitar parts in some of those songs. Cask of Amontillado and Psychotic Episode would kick ass.
I wonder how can you hear any similarity between Malmsteen and Romeo.
I hate Malmsteen but I love Romeo...
BastrdDrmr said:
Why did they invite Yngwie then? :D

Because people have an irrational hatred for yngwie.

And Satch/Vai have solutions for when a better guitarist is along on G3 (every guy they've had has been better). Turn his volume down and make his light show suck.

Paul Gilbert is going on the next g3. That will RULE.
i would love to see either Michael Romeo, Joe Stump, or Vinnie Moore. I saw Vinnie Moore like two weeks ago with UFO and he is amazing. he is the cleanest player i have ever heard. i was 5 feet from him the whole show, and i go 5 guitar picks.
Satriani has invited plenty of people who are better than he.... Just about every guitarist is better than Satriani.
Well I am a big fan of Satch. Great songwriter, great phrasing, and overall impressive skill over the instrument.

Alan Holdsworth would be a great addition to G3. But seeing how he rapes both Vai and Satch - I don't see it happening.
OfSinsAndShred said:
I actually talked to Romeo about how cool it would be to see him on G3. He just kinda shrugged and said, "I'd love to, but we're not very popular."

Well, I really think that popularity shouldn't be an issue. The important thing is the musicianship. Maybe in a long time it might happen. Oh, and that upcoming G3 with Paul Gilbert, it will be awesome. :)
Wait... the next G3 will have Gilbert? Or is that just you guys' prediction? That was my reasonable hope for the next one. Romeo would be the top choice, but realistically, I was hoping for PG.
Well, I heard something about Paul Gilbert touring with G3 soon, but maybe this are just rumors. I hope not :)