Romeo in G3????


Learning to Live
Aug 11, 2002
Manchester, UK
Wouldn't it be great if Satch asked Romeo to be part of the G3 tour happening next year??????

Do you think this would ever happen? Satch already has had Petrucci......

If Romeo was available which other guitarist would you like to see be part of this?

I think this is the only way I'll get to see Romeo here in the UK!!!
More than interesting.....

Can you imagine what the jam sessions would be like at the end..... MJR could even play some tracks off the Dark Chapter or his new solo album (take it he's working on one...)
I've thought about this before. I'd be very surprised if they picked Romeo to play, but it would be good. Like you said, Shredguitarman, the ending jam would be interesting, but I'm not sure the three would blend (does Romeo play The Blues?).

I've seen Satch play live 2 times, but I'm just not into his stuff anymore. I've only seen Vai once, on the English leg of the original G3 tour (which actually had 4 guitarists: Adrian Legg, Satch, Vai and Brian May), but he was amazing to watch.

I guess I'd like to see Vai as the third guitarist, just to keep it in the G3 vibe. But.......

It'd be great to ditch the Satch and Vai and even the 3 guitarists principle, and put together a completely new line up. Someting like:

Micheal Romeo
Brett Garsed
Tony MacAlpine
Derryl Gabel
Yeah seems like Malmsteen has the idea of doing his own G3 in October Ultima!!!

He's touring with Uli Jon Roth and Al di Meola... sure not miss that one....he's also playing with an orchestra, excepts from his Concerto for electric guitar..

As for whether MJR would fit in... I don't think he'd have any problems.. afterall he's a world class musician - he's used to being thrown in at the deep end... and probably loves it!! I can imagine him at home now playing his country licks!

If I had to drop Satch I'd replace him with Paul Gilbert from Racer X/Mr. Big... now that would be serious competition in the techniques stakes for MJR.. both have amazing right hands... love to see that in a dual..

Yeah come to think about it

G3 lineup - Vai, MJR, Gilbert.... that's quite cool...

although I'd miss Satch.. but then he's a God to me!
I really doubt that Satch would ask someone thats so unknown to the bulk of people out there. I mean, even if they could get enough people on his and Vais name along, I doubt most of them would even dig MJRs style and he'd get booed off stage (sad but true) :(
This would be something amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! G3 with Romeo, Satriani and Petrucci! Wow!! :)

My OWN G3 would be somethin' like:

Michael Romeo, John Petrucci and Marty Friedman... it would be a Metal G3! Heheheheh!
The last thing I heard from Friedman was his third solo album, Rock Box(?). I didn't like that, but Introduction and Scenes were fantastic.

I think I read somewhere that Al Pitrelli, Marty Friedman, Nick Menza and David Ellefson were getting together on some sort of project. But don't quote me on that. I have a knack for getting the wrong end of the stick sometimes :loco:
SHAWN LANE, MICHAEL ROMEO AND TONY MACALPINE!!!!!!!!!! :loco: :loco: :loco: :loco: :loco:
Holy sheep shit Batman, I think we're into it up to our knees!!!!! :guh: :guh:
All bow to the mightiest of G3 line-ups..... :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship:
