It's confirmed! Yngwie on G3...

polyeidus isnt wrong, his defenition and outlook on modes works,

the thing i think is wrong is when you make no distinction between the 2, they arent the same thing...
I'm only a layman when it comes to music and theory. I studied music on the internet. I taught myself. I'm a bass player, and after years of reading tab for music, I decided to learn why music is music. Believe it or not, I got pretty deep, but I found what I was looking for when I discovered modes and scales.

Yes you are right in saying the two are different, because they are, but by definition alone. For the masses, it's just easier to say modes are scales. Obviously we(you and I) know very well the exact difference of the two, so...

the im icons below will get you to me.
"By the same token the C major scale is a mode of the E phrygian scale"

NO, this isnt correct thinking IMO, the C major scale contains modes...


C major scale CONTAINS these modes, C major scale ISNT these modes...

each mode has a different sound, they also happen to share the same notes, but each degree does not have the same harmonic function...

because of this, it is wrong to think of them as being the same thing...

if you are playing over a D dorian vamp, you are playing JUST THAT, nothing else... if you play notes from the E phrygian mode, you will not hear phrygian, you will hear Dorian, because the chord progression is pointing that way... (you will hear D dorian starting on its 2nd)

this is why its not correct to think of all of them as the same thing, just because they contain the same notes doesNOT mean they are the same... they have diff formulas, and diff harmonized properties...

the chord defines the mode... if their is no chord, the way you phrase, and the note that is the TONIC becomes the root of that MODE within that SCALE...
well, i hope my point is made clear... this isnt a hard subject, but if a person begins to think that all modes are just related to a scale and they are the same, then youd lose the grasp of what each mode sounds like, what chords have which functions, etc...
Here is what a book of mine has to say ("The Progressive Guitarist: Practical Theory for Guitar"):

"A mode is an inverted scale, where one of the notes from the scale functions as the starting point and is the focal point of the scale."

It goes on to say that "The Greek name for [the C major scale] would be C Ionian."
dave navarro is probably my favourite guitarist, hes not a shredder, although he can play fairly fast when needed. why do i like him the most? because i find his solos more enjoyable. i shred a lot but i dont try to write shredding stuff unless i feel its needed, and a lot of the time it isnt. yes i also enjoy a lot of "wanky" music too. why does it really matter anyway? why does it matter if someone can play so many more notes? thats just fucking stupid.
for the love of baby jesus!


understand that if you think all of them are the same thing (F lydian and G mixo and A minor and D dorian, etc)

you will not understand how they work and what they sound like...

the entire point is, if you think its all the same, youre gonna have a problem applying modes into a functional situation...