Gaining a better voice


Fevered Pitch
Jun 9, 2004
I was wondering if anyone had advice on becoming a better singer. I really want to sing, and I know about music (i play guitar, keyboards) and I am very interested. I can do the death metal growl but that's about as good as it gets. Plus I can sing in tune with some of the clean vocals on Opeth's "Orchid" and "Morningrise" as well as clean vocals with Agalloch.

It seems like all I'm doing when I try to sing different songs is not changing the notes I'm singing, but just the words.

Can someone help by giving advice?
Really make sure you can hear yourself when you sing. If you've been listening to music for a while then you should be able to know whether you're singing the same note as the singer is. One way is to listen to music through headphones but take one headphone off your ear, so you get the record in one ear and your own voice in the other for comparison.