gas prices ...


Active Member
Sep 27, 2002
I don't know how it is in your neck of the woods in the US, but gas is topping $3 a gallon here in NYC. Now, I drive a MINI and it's almost $38 to fill it up. I have seen SUV drivers pay as much as $80 at the pump (fuck'em anyway) ... and they are saying that prices are going even higher.

Just from todays CNN ..

I know our European brothers are laughing, as they always had to deal with this, but they also do not rely on cars as much as Americans and distances are not as big in Europe, etc, etc.

So I am imagining a huge SUV selloff in a few months if this keeps up ... being able to pick up trucks for ridiculous prices.
Already people are alwaus asking me at lights how many mpg's my MINI gets :erk:
gas prices (once you convert litres to gallons and canadian to US) are still more expensive here in canadar than they are in the states.... at least in vancouver.
Iconoclastic Tendencies said:
gas prices (once you convert litres to gallons and canadian to US) are still more expensive here in canadar than they are in the states.... at least in vancouver.
I'm too lazy to make the convertion :cool:
yea, same. a buddy of mine who lives near the border does, it adds 20 mins to his commute to gas up in the states, but saves him like 15 bucks.
i don't pay for gas, haven't for years.


hooray for company gas cards. :wave:
yep, I paid $2.25 yesterday. fucking ridiculous. My first year at college I was paying $.98

Someone's making billions off this and it ain't me.
I remember being 16 and paying .78
It will probably be over 3 here soon. I've had enough of it. Screwing the entire country.
and I hate when dumbshits say "its nothing to be worried about, paying 3 for gas isnt bad when you consider how much other liquids are, like coffee."
It makes me want to stab them!
Is what's funny is that Bush can most likely do something about it, but he wont. And all the while he'll keep touting that the economy is getting better and blah blah blah. You know what? THe economy would probably be kicking ass right now if not for these fucking gas prices because people would be out spending that money on consumer items instead of sitting at home afraid to start the car engine.
it's like, $2.79 at cheap places here for 91 octane, so-called "premium" when damn near everywhere else gets 93.

haha, stupid people still don't get it. fucking rules. i can't wait to move out of this dumb country.
and people mock me for being too lazy to get my license and instead have build up my endurance on my bike for long distance riding (as well as the usual mountain biking)...

well... ok... so they're right... but i'm still saving a shitload of cash.