Gawdammit you fuxxors

washrooms at school or work are worse than public restrooms... i've gone into the restrooms at school and the first toilet had like... projectile diarhea all over it, second one projectile vomit all over it and the third (final) one was like... 6 feet under a sea of piss. I had to go to a different building. Then again, I got the stomach flu there once and basically did that to the bathroom... right before we got shut down due to snow... i cry for the janitor on monday.
i used to clean terlits and k-fart, i'm so god damn immune to ill poopings. the worst was this dude that shit his pants (as evident by the browned shorts in the corner of the bathroom), and then proceeded to shit all over toilet, seat, tank, bowl, everything. or the woman that shit herself and left her chones in the terlit in a sea of poo, after taking a dump on the ground mind you.

sometimes people here leave old man dump and it ills me out a little, but probably only because it's been so many years since i've dealt with monkeys and their bathroom habits.

attempt #1390587139085

walked in to drop the kids off at the pool, somebody left a floater behind before me. then i didn't even crap, just sat there and farted a bit! felt so depressed i had to drive to the store to get granola bars going 90 in a 45 zone. :headbang:
0kay I ended up having a tuna sub.

the whole experience ended on an up note as we were chowing, in walked this chick we used to work with and her husband and older daughter (about three). It was good to see her. She had always wanted kids but husband #1 couldn't make mission....husband #2 has already given her two kids, here's the second one, about a kid who looks like mischief is her middle name.