Gay band names

I think Metallica is one of the worst band names, when you think about it. Doesn't stop some of their albums being the best metal ever, though.

Megadeth comes across as sounding a bit lame and try hard, but as Troops said, I think it is appropriate, and good for the 80s thrash that they played.

I think Slayer is a good band name.
all the bands that put two mystical sounding words together, Paradise Lost, Lost Horizon, etc.

I like the name White Lion, but I'll admit it's really gay. Enter Twilight and Fates Warning are lame and gay... Fear Factory is pathetic when you think about it...

and Hammerfall. Whoever came up with that name... "What do hammers do?" "uhhh, well when you drop them, they fall!" "HAMMERFALL!"
Metallica is one of the best and clever names ever imo.

I also reckon bands with words like celtic, nordic, mist, ice or anything to do with vikings is a bit lame.

I don't have a problem with Iron Maiden though, maybe i should. I think its hard to judge bands that started in the 80's because i things were so different back then.
For example, when i was 16, I though Bolt Thrower was a wicked name haha
Tuff is an awesome name I reckon!! Coz its ironic, and I'm pretty sure its meant to create a contrast between their image and what you'd generally associate with the name.

Also, because they also sound quite tough, especially after seeing what they look like. Definitely one of the harder edged glam bands of the era.

And their logo is awesome :rock:
i like the names Dream Theater, Metallica, Megadeth, Paradise Lost

More gay names: Soundgarden, Pearl Jam, All That I Bleed, Audioslave, Deep Blue Something, Arch Enemy, Imagika, Kalmah, To/Die/For, SOILWORK etc