Genre Boards?


Not blessed, or merciful
Apr 11, 2001
Sarf Lundin, Innit
Just wanting people's opinions on the following:

Way back at the dawn of UM Community time (ie, last March-ish) we had forums for the major metal genres: power, extreme, prog etc -- we joined them all together since they weren't getting a huge amount of traffic each, and plus I wanted to mix things up a bit ;)

Anyway, UM has come a long way since then, with 4200+ members compared to about 300 then, so I was wondering if you lot would like genre-specific forums again?

A simple Yes or No will suffice, but feel free to add additional comments :)
Personally, I would say no.

Why? I think that by mixing genres it gives us Metalheads exposure to other types of Metal that we may not be inclined to venture out and check out otherwise. I used to not dig cookie monster Metal (Death, In Flames, etc.) until I actually gave it a CHANCE.

Of course, the Metalhead reading these forums would have to have an open mind about other genres and not a preconceived opinion.... :)
the general music discussion board is enough !
and it isn't overcrowded, so i don't think there is a real need for more specific boards
Personally, I'd like to see a digital hardcore forum just to see everyone go 'huh?', and I'm sure GIAA would love a gabba-dedicated forum... :)

Seriously though, I prefer the forums the way they are. People used to get topics mixed in the genre forums and then you'd have a long thread running 'Why are you posting about Linkin Park in the extreme metal forum, man?'
I agree with everyone's comments thus far, with ONE exception:

I would LOVE a Viking Metal forum. One that incorporates bands who utilize folk/paganism/Celtic/battle elements to their music, etc. Sure we have Thyrfing (woo hoo) and Vintersorg/Borknagar have some folk elements, but there always seem to be people asking about Enslaved, or Falkenbach, or Primordial, etc.

Not to mention it's my favorite metal sub-genre. :p