George Carlin Is In Hell.

Well, not that i'm sticking up for religion, but the Westboro baptist church is hardly a widely followed section of christianity..

But that said, they're far more 'christian' than most who would say they're christian' .. They are just reading this all straight out of the bible.

But that said, this deeerp goes out to the WBC..

The Westboro Baptist Church is a sickening twisting of the Bible and words of Jesus. Jesus, whether you believe he was a prophet or the Son of God, preached about love, tolerance, respect, forgiveness and said "Love your enemies as you love yourself and pray for those that persecute you." The WBC is the antithesis of that they preach hatred, they picket funerals of dead soldiers and dead children, they have a website called An absolute twisting of the words of Jesus. They do NOT practice what is preached in the Bible and I am ashamed as Christian when these idiots get any newstime. And opeth is right when he says its not "widely followed" they have something like 150 members.

The Westboro Baptist Church is a sickening twisting of the Bible and words of Jesus. Jesus, whether you believe he was a prophet or the Son of God, preached about love, tolerance, respect, forgiveness and said "Love your enemies as you love yourself and pray for those that persecute you." The WBC is the antithesis of that they preach hatred, they picket funerals of dead soldiers and dead children, they have a website called An absolute twisting of the words of Jesus. They do NOT practice what is preached in the Bible and I am ashamed as Christian when these idiots get any newstime. And opeth is right when he says its not "widely followed" they have something like 150 members.


Well Said