RIP George Carlin.


Expired candle
Jan 19, 2002
New Hampshire
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I woke up this morning to find that George Carlin died. :( Very funny man who I had the opportunity of see live back in '99.

Not Katatonia related, but I didn't think anyone would mind.... this aint the Opeth forum, lol.
Oh man this sucks. I hate stand-up but I always watched his specials, he was hilarious.. What happened to him?
Oh yeah, when I was taking my first flight to Sweden for the Melloboat cruise a couple of months ago, the first thing that I listened to on my ipod was his Airline Announcements bit. Classic.
Damn! How old was he?

He was one of the least in his comedy genre. At least we have Doug Stanhope left.

Cancer and heart failure gets a lot of the end. Mostly because we sit too much on our ass and eat the wrong food over and over again.

Just eat your vegetables and omega 3 and you're good on your way to doing something right..and yes, keep away from the damned fast carbs (damn you sugar!!) if you're not working out a lot. Oh yes, working out is the best medicine. Drastically reduces your chance of getting cancer and heart diseases. Of can never be sure about cancer.

RIP Carlin!