Dedicated to George Carlin - RIP 6/22/08


Chicago Jay
Apr 25, 2007
This thread I want to take this opportunity to say that a great giant feel this past weekend. George Carlin was one of the funniest comics that I have ever seen and loved.

RIP George for your laughs and humor will live on for generations.

For being a big Fan of George Carlin, I'm sure he wouldn't want all of us to feel sad. He spent most of his life making people laugh.

I want to start this thread with favorite tracks that we all loved and show remembrance and laughs that we all can share with each other....

I'll start mine........ actually I have two

1. Watching golf is like watch flies.....f***

2. One of his fart joke.... A fart so bad that can end a marriage.....

i will miss george, he did a concert in salt lake city a few weeks, maybe a month ago and i am sure kicking myself now for not going :mad:. i saw him in concert twice back in the late 80's. and rented his HBO specials all the time from the video store as a kid. so many funny bits, the asshole, jackoff, scumbag game show on "a place for my stuff" alway craks me up :lol: I looked in the refrigerator....could be meat....could be cake....usually at a time like this I'll bluff....."Honey?!? Is this good?


George Carlin will be missed by all of us cynics out there....
It was a sin to wanna feel up Ellen. It was a sin to plan to feel up Ellen. It was a sin to take her to the place to feel her up. It was a sin to try to feel her up. And it was a sin to feel her up. That's five sins in one feel!

Oh Beautiful
For smoggy skies
Insecticided grain
For strip-mined mountain majesty
Above the asphalt plain
America, America
Man shed his wastes on thee
And hides the pines
Will billboard sign
From sea to oily sea! I looked in the refrigerator....could be meat....could be cake....usually at a time like this I'll bluff....."Honey?!? Is this good?


George Carlin will be missed by all of us cynics out there....

:lol::lol: like the guys in the army, eat anything , give me something anything, its rasts a****ole Don, well it sure makes a helluva fondue :lol::lol:

oh my so many classic lines..................
How about this one.......

Why is it that people that are against abortions are people you wouldn't want to f*** in the first place?

War is nothing more than men standing out in the field waving their pr*cks at one another. The bullets and rockets are all shaped like d*cks. It's a way to inject the d*ck into other people's affairs.... it's called f***ing with people.