German Thread

Really? I thought with the train card it's not that expensive actually :ill:
If you're student you can travel with the train for free (in a certain) area, but traveling often to other cities would be pretty expensive and the train card just pays off if you're traveling quite often and I dont think you want to visit that much different cities every week :lol:
and even then it's not that cheap.
If you're student you can travel with the train for free (in a certain) area, but traveling often to other cities would be pretty expensive and the train card just pays off if you're traveling quite often and I dont think you want to visit that much different cities every week :lol:
and even then it's not that cheap.
True. I have one of the train cards but still, to get away cheap, you either have to know where you wanna go quite early and manage to get one of the budget prices they´re offering, or you shouldn´t mind taking one of the slow trains together with a special offer like the weekend-ticket or such. Everything else is quite expensive indeed.

But making a visit in Heidelberg and stepping by in Weinheim will be worth any price :grin:
True. I have one of the train cards but still, to get away cheap, you either have to know where you wanna go quite early and manage to get one of the budget prices they´re offering, or you shouldn´t mind taking one of the slow trains together with a special offer like the weekend-ticket or such. Everything else is quite expensive indeed.

But making a visit in Heidelberg and stepping by in Weinheim will be worth any price :grin:
I only travel to Braunschweig or Hildesheim if I move outta Berlin!
And i always take the damn fuckin IC !:mad: aber wat soll ik machen.
But is it everywhere snwoing like here? Ich mein das is als wenn man am Strand läuft bzw übern Strand hier . Hab vorhin versuchtn de Sbagn zu kriegen und hab s garnet mehr geschafft jkarzuokommen als ich da durch den weißen Sand rannte.:erk:
which bahn card? 50? I dont know, like I said, its pretty expensive (for me:lol:) and if you dont travel often to other cities it doenst pay ofg a fuck
wll sure, it makes travelling a bit/lot cheaper, but whdy do you plan to take the train anywsay :lol:? if youre going to viist so,sne citujens you wikk dont do that ecery week,so oy dont need a bahncard because it costs money und es bringt nen scehiß wenn mans net wikrklich oft ebnutzt and as i told you i dont think yi will tavel around germanyy every week
Well I had been told it was useful. it's some kind of red n white kid of ard, n lets you go lot around germany. am i dreamnig stuff or ehat?

wll sure, it makes travelling a bit/lot cheaper, but whdy do you plan to take the train anywsay :lol:? if youre going to viist so,sne citujens you wikk dont do that ecery week,so oy dont need a bahncard because it costs money und es bringt nen scehiß wenn mans net wikrklich oft ebnutzt and as i told you i dont think yi will tavel around germanyy every week
@ innuenDO: hört sich ganz danach an :lol:

Jose, the Bahn Card you´re speaking of reduces the normal price either to 75% or 50% depending on which Bahn Card you have. The one with the 25% discount costs about 60 € a year, the other with the 50% discount costs 230 € a year. So like Snowy said it´s only worth it if you´re travelling by train kind of regularly. But if you "only" plan to visit a city maybe once in two months that is further away than, let´s say 300 km, the normal price is so high that even with the price being reduced to 50% it´s still a lot. AND the discount is only for yourself, you can´t take any mates with you for the reduced price.
So, I´d still recommend to plan the trips quite early and get one of the special offers they have during most of the time (economy prices), or - for visiting cities in the south of Germany - travelling by slow trains with another special offer like the weekend-ticket (which allows you to take friends with you) and such.
Ich glaub als mein Bruder gegangen war war es 45 und ich bin weggepennt und schon seit ca 12 wach. Ja, so ist das als Frühaufsteher, ich steh sonst immer gegen 9 auf, immer, mein innere Uhr steht da irgendwie drauf. Aber wenn ich ab 7 schlafen gehe ist es immer 12 :lol: Das Problem ist nur, dass ich so nie genug schlafe um gut auszunüchtern :(
@ innuenDO: hört sich ganz danach an :lol:

Jose, the Bahn Card you´re speaking of reduces the normal price either to 75% or 50% depending on which Bahn Card you have. The one with the 25% discount costs about 60 € a year, the other with the 50% discount costs 230 € a year. So like Snowy said it´s only worth it if you´re travelling by train kind of regularly. But if you "only" plan to visit a city maybe once in two months that is further away than, let´s say 300 km, the normal price is so high that even with the price being reduced to 50% it´s still a lot. AND the discount is only for yourself, you can´t take any mates with you for the reduced price.
So, I´d still recommend to plan the trips quite early and get one of the special offers they have during most of the time (economy prices), or - for visiting cities in the south of Germany - travelling by slow trains with another special offer like the weekend-ticket (which allows you to take friends with you) and such.

So of how much are we speaking of say, for a train ride from Munich to Berlin?
= one-way ticket and normal price.
Let´s just say, depending on when and were you wanna go there is a good chance that flying from Graz airport could be a bit cheaper ;)