Germans Plan Spray-On Condom

I'm not sure trust in this thing will ever take off.

Sure, 5 seconds in application, but like 2 minutes checking it over to make sure it's all fine before you go diving.
i'm sure the catholics do not agree with it, but they should really give this shit away for free in africa, india, and parts of china.

i got bad rep for this with the comment that i'm racist. WTF????
people in africa really need this because stupid church tries to make them not use condoms and die of AIDS. india and china have the same problems. THIS IS NOT A RACIST COMMENT!
FYI in subsaharan africa 2/3 of the total people with AIDS are located. don't tell me that is not a problem!
seems like an interesting idea .. but I imagine anything with a hole to insert your penis into .. might get abused by horomone crazed teens ... which would be hilarious.
Imagine if you had to plug it in and have it heat up the latex so that it would then harden on your penis.

Oh god the agony.
i got bad rep for this with the comment that i'm racist. WTF????
people in africa really need this because stupid church tries to make them not use condoms and die of AIDS. india and china have the same problems. THIS IS NOT A RACIST COMMENT!
FYI in subsaharan africa 2/3 of the total people with AIDS are located. don't tell me that is not a problem!

Well, you are completely inable to voice your opinions in a readable manner, but for what it matters I do agree.

The Church under its horrible Ecumenical/Evangelist programs throughout the 20th Century has been pushing an agenda in Africa. Join Church = Food but No No to Condoms.

In years to come the power of the Church will lie in Africa, I wonder how low the (future) Black Pope will steep in maintaining a hardline attitude to condoms in Africa.
eh, my english sucks when i'm pissed (damn excuses :lol:)
I read an interview with the Black Cardinal from Nigeria, who answered the question about why people shouldn't use condoms kinda like this:
People die of AIDS, but nobody dies of chastity! catholics from the vatican should be shot in my humble opinion
Perhaps not *shot* per se. I'm actually in support of forcing them to watch videos of the suffering their old fashioned and outdated beliefs have caused.

The morality in Catholicism is entirely reactionary, very much based on one mans guilt, unbelievably unhealthy in its worldview, and coming up for 1900 years old.

That the Catholic Church makes Billions each year from people who enjoy making themselves feel guilty about natural things is fucking sickening.

I love having sex, hell sometimes I like to use a condom too. I support gay marriage and damn FUCKING right a women (IN ANY EVENT) should be able to choose to have an abortion. Only an idiot believes anything remotely like a human life exists in there before the 18 weeks stage. The correct (and healthy!) way to raise a child is not to tell them their penis is dirty and to chastise them for touching it but to say it's all perfectly natural but you just need to be smart and responsible with it - is that not what a fucking ALL LOVING God would really think? Surely?

An all loving God gave us these goddamn pleasures tools and places to put them, and he made it pleasureable, so hot-damn I plan on saying thanks and engaging in loads of hot sex with them, albiet responsibly.

The poverty of one mans (guilty) mind has given us this hangover. Catholicism is one very interesting sect of Religion, it truly is. It just happens to completely have missed the mark, and in doing so managed to root itself so goddamn strongly.

This is all apparent to me. Damn Catholics.
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If I could give you rep I would, Derek... I like that rant there... It could be the weed talking, or it could be my moronic state of mind regardless of the weed, but I damn well like it.

The excessive amount of talking would also clue in about the weed.
The Church under its horrible Ecumenical/Evangelist programs throughout the 20th Century has been pushing an agenda in Africa. Join Church = Food but No No to Condoms.

In years to come the power of the Church will lie in Africa, I wonder how low the (future) Black Pope will steep in maintaining a hardline attitude to condoms in Africa.

I don't think it's only church you should blame for such problems. A lot of people in subsaharan Africa don’t know what a condom and is the ones who do know cannot afford one. A lot more can be done to prevent the problem of spreading AIDS. As I see it the developed world watches Africa die out and don’t do much about it. And no one is looking for the cure actually. The ************** industry invests money in finding cure for diseases of the developed world (Alzheimer, Parkinson…) and the rest - really small amount of money goes on AIDS drugs and other non profit drugs
It’s not that I protect church or whatever – they are making a huge problem a little worth.