I don't think it's only church you should blame for such problems. A lot of people in subsaharan Africa don’t know what a condom and is the ones who do know cannot afford one. A lot more can be done to prevent the problem of spreading AIDS. As I see it the developed world watches Africa die out and don’t do much about it. And no one is looking for the cure actually. The ************** industry invests money in finding cure for diseases of the developed world (Alzheimer, Parkinson…and the rest - really small amount of money goes on AIDS drugs and other non profit drugs
It’s not that I protect church or whatever – they are making a huge problem a little worth.
TOUCHDOWN SCOTTLAND!!!Billy Hicks once said that if we spend ONE percent of the money we do on Global Arms each year on helping the third world, stopping the AIDS problem, feeding and clothing every man, woman and child on the entire planet - not ONE person left out - we could all get together and explore space for eternity. Nice sentiment me thinks.
Regardless, simple issues of money dictate who gets help and when. Africans can't pay for their drugs or the education that might mean they don't need the drugs so much, meanwhile Joe American can afford to pay £100 bucks a month for prescription drugs he probably wouldnt need if he just talked to his wife and attempted to cure the problem and not the symptons.
Is he playing Warcraft?
Someone else read that?omg, that reminds of of that one part in Chuck Palahniuk's Haunted ... *cringe*
Derek this is a great post, but that "hella" came out of nowhere and doesn't fit in with the intelligence of the rest of it haha. Either way, good stuffPerhaps not *shot* per se. I'm actually in support of forcing them to watch videos of the suffering their old fashioned and outdated beliefs have caused.
The morality in Catholicism is entirely reactionary, very much based on one mans guilt, unbelievably unhealthy in its worldview, and coming up for 1900 years old.
That the Catholic Church makes Billions each year from people who enjoy making themselves feel guilty about natural things is fucking sickening.
I love having sex, hell sometimes I like to use a condom too. I support gay marriage and damn FUCKING right a women (IN ANY EVENT) should be able to choose to have an abortion. Only an idiot believes anything remotely like a human life exists in there before the 18 weeks stage. The correct (and healthy!) way to raise a child is not to tell them their penis is dirty and to chastise them for touching it but to say it's all perfectly natural but you just need to be smart and responsible with it - is that not what a fucking ALL LOVING God would really think? Surely?
An all loving God gave us these goddamn pleasures tools and places to put them, and he made it pleasureable, so hot-damn I plan on saying thanks and engaging in loads of hot sex with them, albiet responsibly.
The poverty of one mans (guilty) mind has given us this hangover. Catholicism is one hella interesting sect of Religion, it truly is. It just happens to completely have missed the mark, and in doing so managed to root itself so goddamn strongly.
This is all apparent to me. Damn Catholics.
if people in '3rd world' countries didnt die in vast numbers from starvation and disease those countries would just get even more overpopulated and fucked up than they are already. simply feeding people isnt the answer, they need to completely change the way they go about life. us throwing money at them certainly wont (and hasnt) solve anything. ending hunger and war to come together as a species to explore outward is a nice thought, unfortunately the earth is a shithole full of greedy, lazy, self-destructive idiots. star trek is a fantasy and we're all fuckin doomed. im just trying to survive till the apocalypse.
Derek this is a great post, but that "hella" came out of nowhere and doesn't fit in with the intelligence of the rest of it haha. Either way, good stuff![]()