Get Anthrax on Ozzfest URGENT READ NOW


New Metal Member
Feb 26, 2003
San Francisco
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Ok I'm sure some of you have heard already but if you haven't the bands for Ozzfest have been announced and they aren't much better than the last 2 years except for a few good ones but still no ANthrax. The good news is that they still have a few slots to fill including the second stage headliner which ANthrax would be perfect for. Tommorow morning (wednesday)Sharon and Jack Osbourne are gonna be on the Howard Stern show so what we need to do is get as many people as possible to call in and demand that they put them on the show. Obviously they won't put on a million callers all saying the same thing but I'm sure they'll put a couple through if they get alot of them. Scott is somewhat of a friend of the show and if you ever listen to it you know that when they get an overwhelming amount of calls about the same thing they always come in and tell Howard. This is the best opportunity to get in contact with Jack and Sharon we'll have so everyone call in if you can. They didn't say what time they'll be on but if you live on the East coast the show is live. I live in CA but get up early anyway so I'm gonna call and ask what time they'll be on and call back. Please everyone do this. THis will really help the band out, especially with the new record coming out and it will actually make Ozzfest a real metal show again if it works.
that would be cool as long as I get to see anthrax separately on their own headlining tour as I will with voivod prior to their ozzfest performance.

that would be cool,
cradle of filth
shadows fall
sworn enemy
killswitch engage

I still say the full price would be way too much but if I got one of those limited 10 dollar tickets, I would be up for roasting in the arizona heat.
I didn't wake up in time. Jack and Sharon shove nu metal down everyone's throat because they know it sells. If they can be convinced that Anthrax will sell (which I truly believe they can), then they're gonna want them on the bill. Sharon is stubborn and holds a grudge, but licensing money is probably drying up now that their show is tanking in the ratings. Its all about $$$.

Shit, I'm turning more into Gene $immon$ every day.