Get it out

"If the truth hurts, prepare for pain"
This passage was stuck in my mind for years without me really knowing what to think about it.
Then one day I was thinking about rejection of harmful truths leading to frustration and agony, and in the end removing focus from the real problem at hand. And how I find myself almost unconciously rejecting what later seems as obvious, however sad, truths.
Then I realised that was what the quote was about. Feel free to correct me Duncan.
"I will not lie, I will not lie, I will not lie..."
I understand your point, but I was mainly meaning lying to yourself as when your not even quit aware of it. To tell the truth is certainly a step towards accepting it.
Dhatura said:
But the points of view are important here; I think it's much easier to tell the truth than to accept it.
Now kids I tell you the truth. It's all about dying. What you do between the birth and death is all meaningless. You can laugh, you can whine. Nobody cares. And if you do it really doesn't matter in the grave. It's all obvious really but to accept that is somewhat different. But that's all there is.
Har* said:
Now kids I tell you the truth. It's all about dying. What you do between the birth and death is all meaningless. You can laugh, you can whine. Nobody cares. And if you do it really doesn't matter in the grave. It's all obvious really but to accept that is somewhat different. But that's all there is.

What! You're saying absolutely nothing.
Well, yes, or nothing that could further enlighten us as far as telling lies to other ppl/ourselves is concerned :) I never measure up myself to eternity, I'd go mad I guess. I'd rather stay and interpret things within my own limited and mundane existence, even though it doesn't make any sense at a "higher" level, if there is any higher level - and even if there is, it doesn't care about people and their lies. It doesn't give a fuck about people's lies about itself, hehe.

"You can laugh, you can whine. Nobody cares. And if you do it really doesn't matter in the grave."

As for this, I DO care about some people's laughing and whining, and the only thing that keeps me alive is that I hope it is also important to those few when I laugh and whine. Maybe living my life as if there was no end to it is the biggest lie, but WHO CARES when there are those people laughing and whining around me? I don't laugh and whine for the fucking grave, whether it matters there or not, but for myself.
Allan said:
I understand your point, but I was mainly meaning lying to yourself as when your not even quit aware of it. To tell the truth is certainly a step towards accepting it.

This "lying to myself" business is too ambivalent for me... So yeah, you may lie to yourself, and that's what I'd call fucked up hope, but somewhere deep down you somehow know it's a lie. So maybe you should just learn not to hope - is it possible? cause it doesn't really work for me, so far I've always pulled myself together and started reliving the same "shit" again and again.

But maybe if it didn't go this way, life would be pointless. It's in my nature, hehe, I'm the frog rather than Mr. Scorpion.
Hehe, nothing is something too, otherwise something would be nothing.

The nothin song sticks to your mouth
Like peanut butter on the brain
Nothing ever stays the same

What's wrong, Har*?
Har* said:
You got my point. Nothing is the closest word to describe life. Though words suck.
Well, aren't you a cheerful fellow. But if life is nothing, how can death then be so special?

I offer you words of wisdom/Anathema:
"Here and now, we are gone in a heartbeat, a dream in the passage of time, chaces are fading, this world is awaiting, the moment is passing you by".
Dhatura said:
This "lying to myself" business is too ambivalent for me... So yeah, you may lie to yourself, and that's what I'd call fucked up hope, but somewhere deep down you somehow know it's a lie. So maybe you should just learn not to hope - is it possible? cause it doesn't really work for me, so far I've always pulled myself together and started reliving the same "shit" again and again.

But maybe if it didn't go this way, life would be pointless. It's in my nature, hehe, I'm the frog rather than Mr. Scorpion.

It's just fuckedc up, it isn't hope. It's failing to face up to reality and if you keep on doing it, you will become less and less aware of it. I'm affraid it's very common. I'm thinking of several examples of it, but I'm affraid it will weaken and narrow down the general point.
Have you ever talked to someone and realised they have no interest in what you're saying, they're just waiting for their turn to speak, "marketing their soul" (quote, Katatonia). That's an example of it. And I know "Fight Club" had this point, but I've been thinking about it before that :cry:. Anyway, it doesn't change the point.
Allan said:
Well, aren't you a cheerful fellow. But if life is nothing, how can death then be so special?

I offer you words of wisdom/Anathema:
"Here and now, we are gone in a heartbeat, a dream in the passage of time, chaces are fading, this world is awaiting, the moment is passing you by".
Death is no special at all. The thing is that I think that life is as precious as the rock you kick on the ground. Life is false and so is death. And these are all just words.

And I'm a cheerful fellow. It's like why not. I don't have to achieve anything. Everything just is. Which is pretty much nothing.

And then million smilies. :Spin::):Spin:. It's all rubbish.
Har* said:
Everything just is. Which is pretty much nothing.

Well, I still like to think I have a say to a certain degree, and on the basic level of my life (my life, that is, how I experience this time given to me on earth) I still have some power of decision, and that my decisions have an impact on my life's flow (I'm not talking about universal consequences).

I cannot accept this: "well, life just is, no matter what I do, it's all nothing", it's so lazy. Why don't we go and kill each other then? I mean, yeah, some do, but why not all of us?

Fuck it aaaaaall, what is this nihilism??????
Allan said:
It's just fuckedc up, it isn't hope. It's failing to face up to reality and if you keep on doing it, you will become less and less aware of it. I'm affraid it's very common. I'm thinking of several examples of it, but I'm affraid it will weaken and narrow down the general point.

Well, maybe you're right, and I'm fucked up the way I am. But if it makes me feel better I'd rather go on with it than always have this in mind: "life is a piece of shit, life is a piece of shit". It's enough to be depressed when I'm dumped, hehe. :ill: But it takes time to realize there's no hope, and you shouldn't deny yourself that time, however painful it is to go through it.

Allan said:
Have you ever talked to someone and realised they have no interest in what you're saying, they're just waiting for their turn to speak, "marketing their soul" (quote, Katatonia). That's an example of it. And I know "Fight Club" had this point, but I've been thinking about it before that :cry:. Anyway, it doesn't change the point.

Well, hmm, dunno, not really actually, if I realize the other one is just not interested in what I say, I fuck off and avoid the person. Btw, I interpret "marketing my soul" in a different way, like exchanging some things for other things that seem worthwile at that time, and realizing you've made a mistake only when it's too late already.

And you should cheer up, right now I'm interested in what you're saying :D
Dhatura said:
I cannot accept this: "well, life just is, no matter what I do, it's all nothing", it's so lazy. Why don't we go and kill each other then? I mean, yeah, some do, but why not all of us?
Then again why we should kill each other. I think it's in human nature not to kill everyone coz eventually there wouldn't been any people left. But for the evolution of our species it's been necessary to be able to kill our own species. It's pretty amazing and funny even that this form of matter (humans) exist and is giving purpose to things.

And from your own personal point of view you can give your life a meaning. It's a lie but then again the truth isn't any better.

But this is so retarded.
Har* said:
But this is so retarded.

Yeah, I must warn you I am disabled. But it's still sooo much fun :D

The point of earthly life is love, sex, food, sleep and music. The rest is bullshit :) Oh, forgot broadband.

So come on, baby, let's have a drink, we're distant relatives anyway :D