Get it out

Bleed with me
We will share the light and dark
Together and more
A bleak garden to cry
When my inamorato died
Fulfillment lost in a lifetime of regret
Ornate peace would cover me
As I would die now...
For one last wish
And I still wonder if you ever wonder the same
And I still wonder...
I danced with the shadows
In tranquil chaos, I lay naked in the rain
An interception of light
A disturbing memory
This suicide veil I wear in shame
Not a word passed your lips
Just a golden kiss
As I whispered silently
"Help me through this"
We are just a moment in time
A blink of an eye
A dream for the blind
Visions from a dying brain
I hope you don't understand
Maybe I always knew
My fragile dreams would be broken... for you
Come on and twist that knife again
Well I'd like to see you fucking try
Never going back again
I know there is a way
My future is not set
For the tide has turned
But still I never learned to live
without regret
Tomorrow's Wendy

you say he's fierce, well i knew him when he cried and that wicker mobiles spinning round my friend and what's in that dresser drawer is screaming from inside. yes, i sewed the shadows to his skin. 'cause he won't be denied.

there's a changeling callng me from my sleep. i said, Boy, what are you crying for? he said surfing those zephyrs doesn't come cheap and now he's hollow to the core. he keeps them in the dryad tree. 'cause he will not be ignored.

all locked up in his sacred chamber, tied securely to his bed, his devil tears, yes, i remember when the sacrifice was bled. he had no fear, he smeeled of danger and the sylvan gods had fed. the pirates waited at the cove for the raising of the dead.

amoung titanic waves and swimming round the stones the sirens dart like silver fish their grasping hands are smooth and slender as they toss away the bone. the albatross, her eggs a wish, her drive's a drone; her drive's a drone.

the undertow will pull him under the rough. i dredge the mantra from my throat: i do believe, i do believe, and that's enough. i haul him from her rotting boat. and now i'm sure that fire floats.

the beasts are circling now, my brothers, my snare is set, my snare is wide the cradle falls,i am no mother. i am reborn, your maiden bride. the moon's a fairy trapped and clawing for escape inside.

my roots go deep, my heirs are legion. they're appleseeds falling in my dryad grove, this eastern region is an Eden neverland. i built this effigy of my own voice and then i named him Pan.

--Benjamin M.

: )

Head nodder, Poppy eater, Nefarious Viking soul,
Apache heart, whose dual horned visage
crumbled like parchment into dust inside my head,
your pure blood poisons my veins, father,
lays like lead and floats like mercury,
it brings madness and breeds fury,
i embrace it, and it dissolves like a sugar cube,
crisp and sharp edged as flint and steel,
Head nodder, Poppy eater, seldom seen
even in the borders of photographs,
though invoked everyday,
in my mirror, in my mind,
chameleon or salamander,
you are some reptile
sunning it's lizard hide in my window,
pondering an organic feast
derived from deadly blossoms,
you dart in and out of my soul,
like any creature with cold slow blood,
you've found warmer places to go,
and left that infant girl
born in rude good health
to her mother's indifferent dismay.

---Benjamin M.
Artemis Bathing

what is in my heart will get me halfway, but what is in yours, that nobility of soul, that effortless stamina, dear god, i could go twice the distance.

you say that you believe in me. everytime i hear it i'm one step closer to that fountain. essentially triune, i am a cycle. i could come around.

i was Inanna in Ereshkegal's lair, descending and ascending. i sacrifice in order to gain.

now i bathe in your words, healer, and they are like the waters of Lethe. pull the birthsac from my body. i will be reborn.


Artemis' Bitch

what warning was given? None then. there's a bitch at your throat. she means to kill, not threaten. and all for what? to see a sacred sight with profane eyes.

was it worth it, ultimately?

you must ask yourself this. why be a martyr to devotion at all? i could not begin to fathom these protestations of loyalty. how could you- a man -ever hope to convince her that you seek to heal and not to injure?

did you take a wrong turn, Dumpling? Ascellus' shrine is over THERE. oh THIS spring, now THIS spring's so deep.

your words are water closing over my head. well, i won't doggy-paddle for you, or even tread water. no way, not when i could do a dead-man's-float.

i'm face down before you, oh king of the acolytes, a goddesss spread before you. still i rise above your words.

do you feel the fangs at your throat? do you hear the anticipatory growl? does it excite you, you bet your sweet ass it does. just as this sacrifice excites her. oh, but was it worth it at all?

---Benjamin M.
Russian Roulette

light multiplied by itself is shadow divided by shadow. in your realm, i am devoid of light. A heavy iron key twists in the lock, a bullet in its chamber. and you scrupulously return it to your pocket. oh, what an obedient slave am i. no protests rise to my lips. i play amoung the shades of the labyrinth. patient, so patient. Soon the monster will consume me. i fear no darkness,(why should i? when the darkness lies within. a truculent husk is what i am. a trophy case- the blackness boiling inside. i am being devoured from within. a black box cataloging and recording this nothingness for future reference. And if you tear this door down and light washed in to penetrate me, i would only open my arms to it. let it fall into this abyss never to be seen. a blackhole, then. a star born of fire and air. and digesting not only itself but entire galaxies. a burst of light at the speed of light then the terrible limitless expanse of eternity. a black plague, the reign of death sucking out the marrow of light and shitting out shadow. the bullets are nestled snug in their little beds. the key turns the latch lifts and a prayer is on my lips. it's a game, it's only a game. and in this cell the minotaur breathes no sound at all. the silence roars like blood in my head. Cross catch, draw the latch, invite the monster in.

---Benjamin M.


A Chance To Eat

thrice she turns and once again towards the sinister hand, this dome of heaven, a lapis bowl swings the sword of Damocles. the sky will fall upon her yet but she is a reckless girl. she must live just in this now, a hedonist who angered time. and trapped within its amber grasp, she dreams of autumn leaves, a single voice, her demon down the rabbithole, cicada wings. she wakes in tears, sees altars shining in the starlight. she knows what they are for. it was this, then, Spirit,she'd anticipated it all along, that song, that game, meant to pacify her infant heart and honing her appetite for tragedy. the banquet hall is readied. the feral beast in the wood sole witness to the feast.

---- Benjamin M.



the venom is on my tongue, i know it's taste, it tastes of oblivion. i swallow it, am not surprised, i feel nothing, my love, nothing at all. inside me these cells divide, they carry the pathogen, something stirs and awakens. it's nothing, my love nothing. this addiction courses through my veins, i feed it some more. i could not cast this cup from me, this cup of nothingness. i close my eyes and the world is gone. the neurotoxin surges now, a tide of emptiness. a sweep of stars against my eyelids, galaxies of words. i feel nothing now, my love, nothing but you.

---Benjamin M.


Obsidion Butterfly

Lift her body from the Chacmool, see how prettily the blood does shine against her skin, she was a clever girl once, and nimbly dodged the weapons which bring all women down,it was only a matter of time, here the furnace roars to life, do not think the flames cruel, it is a kindness to subdue her flesh,she was born of fire, she died with ashes in her mouth, she knew what coldness lay in the hearts of men before she knew how to say daddy, her first steps stumbling away from the openhanded rebuke, she'd been running ever since,until that net, that paitient hunter with his shards of glass, his indifference and his desire to discover, what made her what she was, there spread on that jagged stone, pleading so enticingly, she made a pretty sacrifice.

---Benjamin M.

i made my home in the branches of the Tree of Life and the cuckoo made off with my young. she left me this barren nest to defend, but that serpent can't be bothered with the likes of me; he's coiled himself around that staff- some bygone relic of a forgotten god.

see, he's forgotten himself as i've been forgotten. physician heal your own damned self, i'll have none of it.

i lack the motivation to keep house. what for? i know the outcome. i won't be an industry for Adam's busy hands.

just look at that tired old Babushka tangled up in the roots. tangled, strangled, because she tangled with him. well, she's not talking about it, that's for sure. it pays to be discreet.

unpretty as we are, we used to be the fashion. every garden needs a center. and every legend worth it's salt needs a villian or three. so it's me, the old woman, and that sorry-ass snake in this arboreal morality tale.

---Benjamin M.
We saw it all pass by and you went by
And I can't control anything
When you said that live can't be what you want
And I really want everything

My thoughts exactly...

it was the prophets that denied him, and he held to that shell unfed, in the albumen drifting like seaweed, until he was reasurectt, and prised from the membrane grown thick around him, a false pearl. he was lifted up and the masses were instructed to look upon this god- this binary god and now, sleek and flushed with worship, nourished to perversity, how he has grown. he coils around the world, is mistaken for wisdom, the rites are intricate, the pageants complex, it distracts his vast audience, he treats all as equal, the arts, a sale on shoes, medicine, a poker game,history and cybersex, he is chimera, then, from Mercury to Loki in the click of a mouse, the trickster, the hanged man, the crippled god.

--Benjamin M.
Heart Carved Tree

I held the hand that held the rock
That broke the glass out of the window
I told a friend about a friend
He said I'm wrong yeah what does he know
I slit the wrist I made a fist
I tightened up and let the blood flow
I told a friend about a friend
He said I'm wrong yeah what does he know

And the sound of all of this was so appealing
So simple and the secrets we were told
I fell asleep just staring at the ceiling
And dreamt of high countries that never fell

I held the hand but couldn't stop
The broken glass from coming too close
We were ashamed it could not work
But I moved too slow
The tad on this was to insist
We had not lost the strength on our own
I told a friend about a friend
He said I was wrong yeah what does he know

And the sound of all of this was so appealing
So simple and the secrets we were told
I fell asleep just staring at the ceiling
And dreamt of high countries that never fell

- knapsack
Yellow belly custard
Green snot pie
All mixed together
With a dead dogs eye
Slap it on a buttie
Nice and thick
And swill it down
With a cup of cold sick
Susie said:
Yellow belly custard
Green snot pie
All mixed together
With a dead dogs eye
Slap it on a buttie
Nice and thick
And swill it down
With a cup of cold sick
hahaha thats from fungus the bogeyman I loved that poem, respec'!!:kickass:
Mew - Web

So they went to their car.
I was lost in the crowd when
I tried to find my way.
Nothing else seemed to matter
back then.

Soft encounter.
You amplify my emotion.
No devotion may sound wrong but is sounder.
And I know you have nothing to say when you look like you did then.
There's no point in playing along is there now?

So they went to their car.
I was lost in the crowd when
I tried to find my way.
Nothing else seemed to matter back then.

Last encounter.
A goodbye kiss from an old friend.
Can't stay long now,
my train is headed for somewhere else.
When you're gone I envy the people you're with,
'cause they're with you.
Nothing's wrong. I've just been here too long to pretend.

Feeling so small. You stretch out beyond me.
There comes a time when all I'm feeling, everything belongs to you.

I was counting on you then.
Close your eyes and think of when.
So they gazed at the stars.
And he told her his real name.
Said it wasn't far.
Nothing else could have mattered back then.
Baptize Me In Your Tears

So familiar your taste I want it more and more...
In this tragic moment of realisation...
I dedicate my soul to you...
and relish the obscure sweetness of mutual pain...

Baptize me in your tears...
deep oceans of passion...
ooh.. ooh..
Mew - Then I Run

Sleeping, I saw you in a dream.
Hey, I'm feeling kinda sick these days.

I come along.
I smell the air.
I hear them smile and I'm beside me.
My head feels light and so are theirs.
Frames are molded once again.
I feel it come.

I go outside and I lay down in the cool grass.
When I look up it isn't there,
but you can sense it in the evening.
And then I run. And then I run.
And then I run. And then I run.
And then I run. And then I run
And then I run.

I guess I should have seen them coming.
I guess I should have seen them.
I should have seen them. And then I run.
Pink Floyd - High Hopes

Beyond the horizon of the place we lived when we were young
In a world of magnets and miracles
Our thoughts strayed constantly and without boundary
The ringing of the division bell had begun

Along the Long Road and on down the Causeway
Do they still meet there by the Cut

There was a ragged band that followed in our footsteps
Running before time took our dreams away
Leaving the myriad small creatures trying to tie us to the ground
To a life consumed by slow decay

The grass was greener
The light was brighter
With friends surrounded
The night of wonder

Looking beyond the embers of bridges glowing behind us
To a glimpse of how green it was on the other side
Steps taken forwards but sleepwalking back again
Dragged by the force of some inner tide

At a higher altitude with flag unfurled
We reached the dizzy heights of that dreamed of world

Encumbered forever by desire and ambition
There's a hunger still unsatisfied
Our weary eyes still stray to the horizon
Though down this road we've been so many times

The grass was greener
The light was brighter
The taste was sweeter
The nights of wonder
With friends surrounded
The dawn mist glowing
The water flowing
The endless river

Forever and ever
DragonLady1 said:
Pink Floyd - High Hopes

Beyond the horizon of the place we lived when we were young
In a world of magnets and miracles
Our thoughts strayed constantly and without boundary
The ringing of the division bell had begun

Along the Long Road and on down the Causeway
Do they still meet there by the Cut

There was a ragged band that followed in our footsteps
Running before time took our dreams away
Leaving the myriad small creatures trying to tie us to the ground
To a life consumed by slow decay

The grass was greener
The light was brighter
With friends surrounded
The night of wonder

Looking beyond the embers of bridges glowing behind us
To a glimpse of how green it was on the other side
Steps taken forwards but sleepwalking back again
Dragged by the force of some inner tide

At a higher altitude with flag unfurled
We reached the dizzy heights of that dreamed of world

Encumbered forever by desire and ambition
There's a hunger still unsatisfied
Our weary eyes still stray to the horizon
Though down this road we've been so many times

The grass was greener
The light was brighter
The taste was sweeter
The nights of wonder
With friends surrounded
The dawn mist glowing
The water flowing
The endless river

Forever and ever
For millions of years mankind lived just like the animals
Then something happened which unleashed the power of our imagination
We learned to talk

There’s a silence surrounding me
I can’t seem to think straight
I’ll sit in the corner
No one can bother me
I think I should speak now ___________ why won’t you talk to me
I can’t seem to speak now ____________ you never talk to me
My words won’t come out right ________ what are you thinking
I feel like I’m drowning _____________ what are you feeling
I’m feeling weak now _________________ you never talk to me
But I can’t show my weakness _________ what are you thinking
I sometimes wonder ___________________ what are you feeling

Where do we go from here

It doesn’t have to be like this
All we need to do is make sure we keep talking

Why won’t you talk to me _____________ I feel like I’m drowning
You never talk to me _________________ you know I can’t breathe now
What are you thinking ________________ we’re going nowhere
What are you feeling _________________ we’re going nowhere

Why won’t you talk to me
You never talk to me
What are you thinking
Where do we go from here

It doesn’t have to be like this
All we need to do is make sure we keep talking

(Keep Talking, Pink Floyd)