get ready

And Karen you are the epitome of my shit doesnt stink ....


You come all up in here kissing WD's ass on a daily basis, and pretending to be this uber fucking fan. You YOURSELF have criticized the last few albums yet you sit here and try to play the good little angel .... FUCK YOU.

You have said yourself on THOUSANDS of occasions on this forum how you prefer the old material and that ever since DHIADW the music has declined in quality.

The difference between you and me .... (you will say I have no no class I am sure, cause you are soooooooo fucking classy)....

I speak my fucking mind and I am not afraid to offend people. You on the other hand have to be all PC and drive on the straight and narrow. Not my fault that I speak the truth ....

Fuck that .... You would agree with 90% of this if you weren't trying to play both sides against the middle. :notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy Jeffy boy

What are you talking about, Guru?
I fucking love the new album, I said that several times....
and for th record: I never said I hated DHiADW - EVER!

You know, it's easily proven.. why don't you find a post that was made by me EVER on this forum that says that I hated the new album (which I raved about...) or DHiADW.... please, I will gladly give you this challenge because you will not find anything like this.

Then you will realize that you indeed talk loud and high and have nothing to hold behind it... just throw in the attacks without even thinking...

Oh boy, good times.

and by the way- the search button is to your left, and make sure to specify posts from this year and older.

Go ahead, prove my point....
Haters all up in this bitch.

i cant believe some of these fucking posts. do you guys have any respect? band members aren't expendable. the bands themselves will tell you that. they're like brothers. they create more than music. 'oh nevermore broke up no big deal just let atilla write the music'. are you fucking serious with that shit? like band members can just come and go, everyone's expendable and it's all a game? oh if A doesn't work just try B. show some fuckin respect.
It looks like Lioness joined before you, therefor she must be a bigger and more honest fan.

MUST BE! ..... ;)

I'm glad you pointed that out. Here I was trying to figure out whether or not you were personally attacking them, but thanks to this clarifying post, I am now sure that you were personally attacking them.

thanks for bringing the LOLs, for real! :lol:
Many people would consider me a loomis weedly woo shred fanboy (I have his signature guitar after all), but when it comes down to it I listen to Nevermore because of Warrel. Praise to the War Machine > Zero Order Phase. Warrel's solo album never got stale, Jeff's did. So I don't buy the argument that you have to be a guitarist to understand and like the complicated guitar oriented songs....

I listen to Nevermore because all of the elements work together. It definitely helps to have a musical ear to really appreciate it all, though. You don't have to be a musician to have that.