get ready

Wow, I don't post here normally, but I came here looking for news and all I have to say is you guys sure are some shitty fans. For the record I enjoy listening to every Nevermore release, sure some more than others, but they are definitely one of my favorite bands. Best of luck to everyone, and I hope the Sanctuary reunion is still on. m/

Warrel, I think an album like Iommi (obviously vocal centric though) with a bunch of different guitarists would be awesome. Lucretia on Praises was a great taste of something out of left field that I thought sounded awesome (of course the rest of the album was awesome too).

Anyways, I've said my piece, carry on everybody. m/

exactly what i was trying to say since this started. i dont know how someone can claim to be a REAL nevermore fan against all the "fanbois" and then begin to bash almost half of the bands discography? EDIT: because some people like different aspects of the music.
The interwebz iz seri0us biznizz!

Arguing a fact intelligently over the internet is fucking pointless. No-one cares or bothers to read it if its not filled with sarcasm, humor, or insults. The largest sites on the web are full of "negative" things. If you dont like it its time to leave the internet and go live in a world where frech jews can live in harmony and only eat freshly caught gefilte fish, fresh made lox, and drink the most expensive french wines and champanga!

Unfortunately Yellow Tail, and Margarita's from Applebees are the American way.

I am a no nonsense foul mouthed Italian Jew from Brooklyn, if you don't like it then too bad.... If you dont find humor in the things I say then I am really sorry that life has to be so serious all the time.
exactly what i was trying to say since this started. i dont know how someone can claim to be a REAL nevermore fan against all the "fanbois" and then begin to bash almost half of the bands discography? EDIT: because some people like different aspects of the music.
Nevermore had no real fans, this board was originally troll paradise where we attacked newcomers relentlessly until they adapted or left. We were 4chan before 4chan.
Wow, I don't post here normally, but I came here looking for news and all I have to say is you guys sure are some shitty fans. For the record I enjoy listening to every Nevermore release, sure some more than others, but they are definitely one of my favorite bands. Best of luck to everyone, and I hope the Sanctuary reunion is still on. m/

Warrel, I think an album like Iommi (obviously vocal centric though) with a bunch of different guitarists would be awesome. Lucretia on Praises was a great taste of something out of left field that I thought sounded awesome (of course the rest of the album was awesome too).

Anyways, I've said my piece, carry on everybody. m/

Any second now, guitarguru will tell you you're not a real fan.
Wow... whole lot of hating going on here. Everyone needs to chill the fuck out and listen to some Nevermore. Appreciate the band for what it has been in the past, and hope for the best for its future. Nevermore has had a huge impact on me growing up (if you know how old I am and look at my join date that should say it all), and even now as I listen to the discography on shuffle, when I hear songs from Dead Heart and EoR that I haven't listened to in years, I still remember all the lyrics perfectly and can recall the impact they had on me when I was younger. The stuff is just ingrained in me. Nevermore was one of the first bands I ever saw live, and they were all super nice about taking pictures, signing autographs, and just hanging out with the fans. I still have the Nevermore belt buckle that Jim gave me off his own pants. The last time I saw them was in 2006, and as I mentioned before I really wish I hadn't skipped their last show here, but I'm glad I got to see them with the original members a couple times. I personally wish only the best for the new incarnation of Nevermore, and all members' solo projects. :kickass:
how the fuck can half these people say they're fans though. they sit on here all day talking about all things not related to nevermore, bash the band, album or member in some way when a related topic comes up, and then don't really seem to care if they lose two of the strongest members.

then there's guru, who NEVER comes around (who gives a shit) unless someone leaves like Steve, or now this. you clearly don't like Nevermore anymore. So leave the's simple.
how the fuck can half these people say they're fans though. they sit on here all day talking about all things not related to nevermore, bash the band, album or member in some way when a related topic comes up, and then don't really seem to care if they lose two of the strongest members.

then there's guru, who NEVER comes around (who gives a shit) unless someone leaves like Steve, or now this. you clearly don't like Nevermore anymore. So leave the's simple.
And here I thought you came around enough to get why the board is that way.
This forum has long since evolved into something other than a pure music board. Unless Warrel (who participates in our bullshit) decides it has to change, deal with it. There is no reason that someone who doesn't like some of Nevermore's material should leave or not speak their opinions.
The new album is awesome. In fact I think I'm going to play it tonight and kick myself for missing them on their last tour... :(

OK, I don't post here that often (because, obviously, I'm not a REAL fan) but I do remember you saying (without looking it up) that you took your time to put several listens in to the album before coming up with a review on it and I remember you saying that you loved it.

If that's kissing her ass, so be it.
Wow... whole lot of hating going on here. Everyone needs to chill the fuck out and listen to some Nevermore. Appreciate the band for what it has been in the past, and hope for the best for its future. Nevermore has had a huge impact on me growing up (if you know how old I am and look at my join date that should say it all), and even now as I listen to the discography on shuffle, when I hear songs from Dead Heart and EoR that I haven't listened to in years, I still remember all the lyrics perfectly and can recall the impact they had on me when I was younger. The stuff is just ingrained in me. Nevermore was one of the first bands I ever saw live, and they were all super nice about taking pictures, signing autographs, and just hanging out with the fans. I still have the Nevermore belt buckle that Jim gave me off his own pants. The last time I saw them was in 2006, and as I mentioned before I really wish I hadn't skipped their last show here, but I'm glad I got to see them with the original members a couple times. I personally wish only the best for the new incarnation of Nevermore, and all members' solo projects. :kickass:

Well said - all of the infighting here is embarrassing...we should be celebrating the legacy of our favorite band and hoping for the best from the future.
exactly what i was trying to say since this started. i dont know how someone can claim to be a REAL nevermore fan against all the "fanbois" and then begin to bash almost half of the bands discography? EDIT: because some people like different aspects of the music.

Well I'm not saying that I don't sometimes bash on bands music (bands that I like that is) but thats just with friends, i.e. "I really wish that they had made album x sound more like album y." But hating on a forum run by someone in the band, or where band members frequent, is just shitty behavior. Playing music as a living is hard enough as it is, would any of you guys walk up to a band member after a show and say, "Yo, album X really sucked a fat one."? Also some of the bitter old guys (well there's mainly just a couple) seem to have problems accepting that things change. I like Sanctuary, I like pre 7 string Nevermore, I like post 7 string Nevermore, and I'll probably like anything affiliated parties put out in the future. That doesn't make me less valid as a fan.
Uh... still haven't found where Karen says she hated the new album huh? Just stop it with the retarded arguments... the 'I'm the biggest fan' crap is annoying.

If you weren't a fucking idiot I wouldn't have to say this .....


YOU MUST BE A FUCKING RETARD OR A JERRY'S KID ..... so I apologize for calling the actual retard / Jerry's kid a retard. Its not PC I know ... but god damn. If you bothered to read anything either of us has said its got nothing to do with whose a bigger fan ...... JESUS!

Oh .... wait I just looked at your avatar ... now I get it ... you're a blonde! Sorry for calling you a retard / Jerry's kid.... I get it now.
It just sucks that I wont be able to see them again. I only got to see them once on their last US tour with Warbringer. It was pretty cool, but I wish I could see them atleast once more, as they are the only band other than maybe 1 or 2 others that I'd actually get excited for to the point of goosebumps when they take the stage. But I'll see whatever incarnation of whatever whenever they come by, i would like to meet warrel as he was the only one i didnt see when they were here. I would also like to meet jeff again, since he is such a huge musical influence on me.