Get Well Soon!

Originally posted by Bruce Chickinson

I never get shots. I figure if I'm not getting sick (which I never do), I'm not going to. Until them, I'll keep it that way. But, considering a few days have lapsed since the last posting, hope everybody is on the rebound and feeling better.
when i got my flu shot, i squeemed, squinted my eyes, looked away, and almost cried like a 6 yr old. i HATE needles, but i get way too sick a lot and i can't figure out why. i can't count how many days last year worshipping the porcelain god(alcohol induced trips dont count) because we rednecks in georgia can't count past 20 because we dont have any more toes and fingers. :loco:
Sorry to hear about all of the torture. How many of you got stuck with this?

I haven't been sick in any form (not even a minor cold!) since last April and I wish I could just have it happen now and get it over with cuz I KNOW it's gonna nail me hard when I do finally get it.

Come to think of it, the last time I was sick (with a really bad flu that hits me about every 4 years and puts me out for at least a week), I had an interesting few weeks surrounding it. The two bands I was in broke up, my girlfriend and I had just broken up, and a good buddy of mine flipped out and split my lip (9 stitches worth) wide open with a stunning cheap shot and I got stuck with the bill with no insurance on top of it.

Anybody interested in losing weight? Have that shit strike your ego within a few short weeks along with the misery of a nice flu and an ear infection and BAM - I dropped 30 pounds. By this time, I had fully realized that I needed some new surroundings so I moved down to SoCal.

I hope my next experience in time of sickness turns out to be a bit less harsh! Yeah, like I can't wait.
@ downure - all that shit happening at once sounds like a script for a good movie. Why don't you start writing it down and shop it around. You did say you were in Hollyweird, right?
Ending - You are packing the moving van to go to SoCal. Leave an open enough ending for a sequel and bam, "Downure Goes To Hollywood". You need a writing partner! Look at some of the other stuff around, there is a lot of crap out there, some of it makes huge dollars. True life crap makes even more!