I found a website selling pretty much exact replicas of Alex's jackson, if anyone is interested, they are far more affordable thatn getting them through jackson itself, or even DrumCity/GuitarLand. They are about $2275, which is less than DC/GL's price of 2850.
here is the desription from the website
check em out
here is the desription from the website
Easton Guitars said:24 Fret RR1 customs: Yep, were doing a small run of 24 fret Rhoads. 1 Hum(duncan), OFR, same specs as RR1 normally but 24 frets with Black bodies w/yellow bevels, black w/green pins and then black all over, JUST ADDED BLACK W/GOLD PINS. Want one? $2275.00 w/case, set up, strap and UPS 2 day in the USA
check em out