Getting a good clean vocal performance (aka I suck at tracking)?

Morgan C

Apr 23, 2008
Sydney, Australia
I find often when I'm tracking vocals (most of the work I do is clean vocals), its 'good' but never 'great'. The recordings are fine, there's nothing wrong with that, its the performance that is not there. It always lacks that extra bit, and sounds weak, like the vocalist isn't giving it their all.

I tell them to sing louder ("yell at me" "rar" "now sing that loud") but it doesn't make a huge difference to the energy/aggression/passion in the take, just increases the volume.

Of course a lot of it is due to the singer, but what are some tips you guys have for getting that last 10% out of the vocalist.
The 'yell at me' rule is there for me. Before the final tracking I'd give him a sm58, ask him to jump around and sing with as enthusiastically as he can, like he's drunk and doing a live show. Pump the shit out of the adrenaline, you know. Basically, just ask him to enjoy himself. I'd track him like that with the monitors turned on. Upon completion, usually which consists of roughly 2-3 takes in total I'd ask him to listen. I'd listen myself and take down notes on what needs to be changed where. I'd sing it for him, if necessary in a lower octave 'cause that's just me. After he's ready I'm gonna hand him over the headphones and use the sm58 track as a guide.

This works much better than making him stand in front of a pop filter with headphones on right away. Done this way, he says to himself, "Hey, I did it before and I'll do it again."

Sounds like pretty reasonable advice right there! Of course, I don't have this problem with my singer who just for the love of spaghetti monster cannot stand still while singing, he's got too much energy. ANY ADVICE ON HOW TO CALM A SINGER DOWN!? Haha
Make sure when you track with headphones that the singer hears himself with a bit reverb, that makes his voice bigger and gives a bit more confidence.
Is this particular singer ever enthusiastic?

Has he ever recorded before/has he sounded good on previous recordings?

A lot of the time, if the person doesn't have any real attachment to the song they're singing, or feel some connection to it, they cannot really "perform." Its hard to fake emotion and sincerity when it comes to music. You can really tell when its just not all there.

Let them listen back. Say, "Do you notice that you sound like this? Are you happy with this take? Do you think you can do better?"

No one said recording vocalists was easy. I would say it is one of the hardest things (aside from drummers :rolleyes:).