Getting A Punchier Guitar

Not completely true. The main frequencies are generally flatlined in RMS, however from a correctly dialed in amp, you can acheieve massive amounts of transient peaks from the lowend and not have it muddy. My 5150 being dimed res and bass at 8 has a solid 6db peak at about the 100-150Hz area but is tight as hell. That is a apart of the huge low end punch. LP the extreme highs and at least bump the 10K area and perhaps the 5-8KHz depending if you need more bite. I have found that if you have that general curve and you have some intense palm mute spikes that are solid, removing some of the 250Hz are a few db will bring your guitar into killer bright but punch as fuck tone.

Bump 10KHz?
That sounds exactly the opposite of what you'd want in a modern production guitar tone.