"Ghost" and "Storm's A-Coming" by Matt Smith


I've been listening to this all day since it was uploaded.

I love sad story songs and romantic tragedies in music, and I decided to demo some acoustic stuff I wrote in that vein. Since it's a bit different from what I normally do in Theocracy, I thought maybe someone out there would find it interesting and want to check it out, so I made a little video for one of the demos. Thanks for listening, and I hope you enjoy!

Music and Lyrics by Matt Smith, ©2013


Here's a little video I made for a demo of another song that's not really suited for Theocracy, but that I thought some people might enjoy. I had a good time going all-out with the vocal arrangement, horns and swing feel on this track--fun little tune. Enjoy!

Music and Lyrics by Matt Smith, © 2013

I'm sold. Matt, make a solo album.
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Awesome. I'm totally bias'd towards anything Matt Smith does though.

How did you find it? Did you just happen to be subscribed to that channel of his or what?
Matt you don't happen to want to upload the original file of this song? I know it's your intellectual property and everything but dear God.... this is beautiful.
You need to sell this through iTunes or Amazon. I'd buy it! Unless a solo album with even more material is in the works.... :)
Wow, that's a very beautiful song!
If the other "demo stuff" is of that quality, don't hesitate to put it together for an album (at least as a digital release)! I'd buy it as well!
Wow, this is awesome! I always wanted matt to do something acoustic and that chorus just made my week!! One part sounds just like the anberlin song "fin" another great song haha. Thanks matt!!!
Holy... Crap! :eek:

This is VERY solid. What can I say though? Matt Smith, you are one talented man!
:OMG: Man, praise God for you, Matt (and for Theocracy too!). But seriously, there are just certain people so gifted and so hard-working to develop those gifts that—when you experience what they create, you are just left speechless. This floors me. I'm not even sure what it's about after the first listen but totally moved. Now, I'm going to listen again and pay more attention to the lyrics. Oh, and I'll keep the kleenex close. lol
My son Tommy says, you need to add some serious electric bar chords on the chorus and a full choir backing on the next Theocracy CD. I have to admit, the kid's got a good idea! PLEASE! lol
off topic I know: I urge everyone to watch the "Power Metal Point" episodes in poundingmetal's signature. It's fun to see his take on some of the topics regarding metal. The videos are a bit long, maybe you could keep them under 5 minutes to gain a wider audience.