ghost of perdition

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i hope that gop is the last song i hear before the album...i wasn't even gonna listen to another one...but as soon as i heard that it was available, i was in a frantic scurry to find it...i had to.
WTF? This song is horrible!

I want to sell my tickets to the Opeth gigs.

So bad...

This song kicks so much ass I struggle to understand it. I'm gonna be screaming like a little girl when I finally get my hands on this album. Fucking August 30th release date *cries*

edit: how can you say you like opeth and NOT love this song? I dont understand some of you guys.
Where else can I download The Grand conjuration?? I tried joining roadrunners stupid listening lounge but the link to confirm my registration ain't working & it won't let me register again!!!! grrrrr.....
I like this song a lot, but I don't get why the guy is screaming like a monster. It totally ruins the song. It should be more like Damnation I think.
Black Tears said:
Are you kidding? Everything on both of those albums annihilates this.
You obviously need to refresh your memory. This song sounds like a cocktail of those two albums, but I'm not saying that this ONE SONG is better than those two albums. Hell, I can't make any lasting impression until I hear the whole album.
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