"Ghost Ship" Music Video

Canceling my pre-order... lol. Tis a joke!!

Man, what a surprise to get another single before the release! The more I listen to this song, the better it gets. Only two more weeks to go. I hope Amazon ships it so I can have the CD on the 28th, and doesn't ship it ON the 28th, hahah.

Lots of great parts. The one I really like (at this moment, lol) is when the music slows in tempo in the first verse when he says "Breath of life from the four winds". Same thing in the second verse, just with different lyrics. Great song, yall from front to back. And them guitars 'dun dun dagada dun, dundun dagada dun, dundun dagada dun, dadaga daga daga (repeat)' lol.

Oh. And congratulations on making/getting another music video!
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Reactions: Aish!
Great job on the video! An unexpected surprise, for sure, as I don't recall seeing anywhere that a video was in the works. Must resist urge to overplay song before the rest of the album is released!
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Reactions: Sonic Turmoil
Awesome video, yes!!
By the way, does anyone know where can I get that Theocracy pendant that Matt is wearing?
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