
hahaha thats awesome man. id have them keep that shot in the video and maybe itll go down in supernatural folklore like the "two men and a baby" story, or the one about the dead guy in "wizard of oz"

you know youve finally become 'metal' when you get ghosts showing up for your music video shoots.

dilema1362 said:
hahaha thats awesome man. id have them keep that shot in the video and maybe itll go down in supernatural folklore like the "two men and a baby" story, or the one about the dead guy in "wizard of oz"

you know youve finally become 'metal' when you get ghosts showing up for your music video shoots.



i have to know
In one of the scenes in the movie there was a "kid" in the background of one of the sets. Urban legends goes that it was some kid who killed himself on the set. In reality, it was actually a cardboard cut out of Ted Danzin who played one of the characters in the movie. Someone forgot to move it out of the background and it got in the movie. I guess the producers of the movie were pretty stoked on the rumors because their movie rentals sky rocketed.
Hah! Ok, paranormal dork stepping in. I actually help run a ghost hunting/paranormal group called Great Lakes Paranormal Research ( and we see stuff like this a lot. It does look like orbs we've captured on video as well. It is a mirror though, so it could be just some type of reflection too, who really knows. But it looks kewl. Depending on your beliefs, most people believe orbs to be a lower level of spirit energy that seem to pop up in video and photos in places that are reported to be haunted. You just might have a ghost hanging around with you:)

Amberrose H.
Hey, I tried to check out this video, but it is not working. Anyone have another link I can DL it?? -Scott L. of Ghostly Talk :rock: