Gibs Died. :(


Freakame, Freakayou!
My betta fish, Gibs died while I was at home for the weekend.
This sucks so badly. :cry: He was my baby.

I have enough humor. I'm just sick of people saying he was just a fish.
It's like me saying, oh she was just a grandmom.

While I understand where you come from, my grandmother was a horrible person. Most of us were relieved when she died, because we didn't have to DEAL with her anymore. For me, it'd be something like, "Oh, it was just a tube amp," or "Oh, it was just my car exploding." The dog counts too, I guess. "Oh, Anubis just ate 3 pounds of bacon, and this time his pancreas exploded." Well then I'd shake my head at his ability to eat 3 pounds of... sorry, rambling.

And Laura, drop the spite, no need to white knight when Emily can handle herself just fine.
The computer savvy males got that he WASN'T making fun of the fish, yes.

And thank you Laura, I can breathe twice as efficiently now!