Gig in Örebro 1/11

NG lirade live i örebro igår ju! Det var nice!! riktigt bra ös fast vi var så få i publiken ;)
Låtarna jag kan minnas som dom spelade var:
Shadowland revisited
Scarred for life
still alive
raincheck on my demise
to the end
one of the lonely ones
steal the moon
nightfall Overture

Har jag glömt nån?
Väntar f.ö på att nya skivan ska komma på posten vilken dag som helst...
Kalleboston said:
NG lirade live i örebro igår ju! Det var nice!! riktigt bra ös fast vi var så få i publiken ;)
Låtarna jag kan minnas som dom spelade var:
Shadowland revisited
Scarred for life
still alive
raincheck on my demise
to the end
one of the lonely ones
steal the moon
nightfall Overture

Har jag glömt nån?
Väntar f.ö på att nya skivan ska komma på posten vilken dag som helst...
Revival och The Wake:Spin:
It was a warm up gig. The releaseparty is on saturday
The gig went well with a small but supportive audience.
We rocked hard but on saturday we gonna rock even harder

Still alive
To the end
One of the lonely ones
Scarred for life
Shadowland serenade
Steal the moon

Kajor said:
what about recording the 'releaseparty' and release it as a live cd or something?? :Spin:
that would be cool!!!
and it could be sent out to all the unfortunet ones...who will miss the happening :yell:

or a dvd... that would ROCK!:headbang:
Gurgelguff said:
I will record it for sure but it don´t think the quality will stand up for a serious release
Anything is good for us, the unfortunately ones... (i.e. i'm from Chile)... so i think i will never see nightingale live, but some bootleg or anything is good for me... and for everyone i think.. :)
Gurgelguff said:
I will record it for sure but it don´t think the quality will stand up for a serious release

try and get it into mp3 for us VERY unfortunate ones who are stuck in other continents! please!