Gigantour in Boston


Aug 8, 2003
So we get there late because the Boston traffic on Friday sucks and instead of being there at 5:30 it was closer to 7:00. Fear Factory was playing and then DT and Megadeth. WTF happened to all the bands? I missed all the other bands in an hour and a half? Why did Nevermore play first? Weren't they part of the 1st stage bands? THere was only one stage but I figured we would see more than the last 3 bands!! Bobaflex, Symphony X, LOA, Nevermore, Dry Kill Logic, and DEP all played within 1 1/2 hours? Oh well. DT and Megadeth were awesome.
My friend was at that show, he told me that there's some ordinance and Boston concerts have to be over by 11, and some of the bands like Symphony X were cut. He was waiting for his friend and heard Nevermore and DEP before he got in.