Gigantour Second Stage Bands

I can tell you that an Atlanta date is being discussed as I'm in on it as a consultant.

Of course, Mustaine will be the one giving away the info. My lips stay sealed.

Glenn H.
This tour is getting better and better. I hope it comes to Tampa or at least Central Florida. I am really hoping for Sym X, POS. and Overkill. Totally mix up the second stage also. Should be great! Good to hear your involved Glenn. :grin:
SavaRon said:
This tour is getting better and better. I hope it comes to Tampa or at least Central Florida. I am really hoping for Sym X, POS. and Overkill. Totally mix up the second stage also. Should be great! Good to hear your involved Glenn. :grin:
I with ya there brotha!

I can't believe some of what I'm hearing here. We bitch, and piss, and moan about these kinda bands not getting the respect and exoposure they deserve, then when they do possibly get an opportunity to get some national exposure...we bitch about set times.

A band like PoS would be exposing themselves to thousands of potential new fans, but, because of set times, people would rather they do their own tour. Let's see, play to thousands of potential new fans, on a national tour, or play to a hundred, or so, PoS fans each night on their own small club tour. Do we want these bands to really get some exposure or do we just want full sets from these bands. Playing 20 min. sets on Gigantour is worth 100 headline tours playing in small, dingy clubs, to a handful of people, to a band like PoS.
I don't whine about bands not getting exposure. The reason bands that are real music don't get massive exposure is because music isn't popular. Entertainment is popular. People want to be entertained, and they want to be entertained the first time they hear or see something. The only reason a band is getting massive popular exposure is because they've done something to their sound to attract people who like entertainment. Pain Of Salvation are already popular enough to do a two-leg European tour, it's not like they're some uber-underground band.

And yes, I think 20 minutes is ridiculous. It takes at least that, if not more like thirty just to get the band's equipment set up, so why not give them a longer set so they can actually play more than a few songs? And if that would mean making the lineup smaller, then do that. There are only three bands on that second-stage "maybes" list that are even deserving of being on a tour like this, so if Dave Mustaine is concerned about quality, he'll let the lineup reflect that.

Or, Dave Mustaine will just be an asshole and put a bunch of pop bands on the bill so he can fill his pocket as much as possible, while saying he's keeping musical integrity by having Dream Theater on the main stage.
I think some petitioning and some public outcry for longer sets on EVERYONES part could change his mind about 20 mins. I'd like to see Taproot, PoS, and SX get on it. Now, I dont like Taproot at all, but their a fairly household name , or were even, and would bring in a lot of fans who've never heard the style, so they check out the second stage, BAM they get pwned by Symphony X, and then SX is playing that much bigger venues next tour, to that many more people. I think 45 minutes sets are ample, maybe give headliner 2nd stage an hour, then kick up mainstage sets 10-15 mins each (Nevermore/DEP>45 mins, FF> 60 mins > DT/MD > 90 mins.)

However, this would have to run all day tho, which GOSH DARNIT is FINE by me.
You folks should hold your breath about the second stage stuff for now. There is a big difference between what the artist wants and what the booking agents are able to do.

Glenn H.
"Anyway, I spent a few hours yesterday checking up on the bands that are on the list for the second stage; going to their web site, seeing their faces, their bios, their videos, etc. It was a very interesting morning.

is it me or does it sound like Dave is a bit out of touch with the metal scene? Sounds like he just goes by what is hot or what someone recommends him.
I hate to do this, but the business side of me me must pick your Utopian post apart. You simply have no clue how the real world works:

****Pain Of Salvation are already popular enough to do a two-leg European tour, it's not like they're some uber-underground band.

You do realize that they are lucky to play in front of 150 people on that European tour each night right? They wouldn't draw that many in any city here in the States other than the larger places like NYC, Chicago, etc. The real world is not a core group of forums where they are known.

****And yes, I think 20 minutes is ridiculous. It takes at least that, if not more like thirty just to get the band's equipment set up, so why not give them a longer set so they can actually play more than a few songs?

In a true traveling festival set-up, it does not take that long because you aren't given that long. There is a very tight schedule to keep. This is not Ozzfest where you can start at 11am. The economics simply don't justify it.

***And if that would mean making the lineup smaller, then do that.

No, do not. If you are going to do that, then turn it back into a venue tour. The fact is that the big bands are the draw and the smaller bands are brought into appeal to the fringe element in that they have a draw to another segment that may not see the tour otherwise.

***There are only three bands on that second-stage "maybes" list that are even deserving of being on a tour like this, so if Dave Mustaine is concerned about quality, he'll let the lineup reflect that.

This is horseshit. There isn't a single tour booked in the States based on "artistic integerity." Besides, this type of booking is meant to be very diverse and appeal to a broad audience. The mallrats are going to come for Fear Factory and DEP, not DT. Their dollar counts just the same.

****Or, Dave Mustaine will just be an asshole and put a bunch of pop bands on the bill so he can fill his pocket as much as possible, while saying he's keeping musical integrity by having Dream Theater on the main stage.[/QUOTE]

Good god man do you actually believe that? Mustaine is attempting to put together a package that will work. The more money he makes, the more proud I am of him. Plus, Dream Theater draws more than Megadeth. It has nothing to do with Dream Theater being artistic quality. Dream Theater fits great with this package as it's something completely different for them and could potentially expand their audience.
Harvester said:
I hate to do this, but the business side of me me must pick your Utopian post apart. You simply have no clue how the real world works:

****Pain Of Salvation are already popular enough to do a two-leg European tour, it's not like they're some uber-underground band.

You do realize that they are lucky to play in front of 150 people on that European tour each night right? They wouldn't draw that many in any city here in the States other than the larger places like NYC, Chicago, etc. The real world is not a core group of forums where they are known.

****And yes, I think 20 minutes is ridiculous. It takes at least that, if not more like thirty just to get the band's equipment set up, so why not give them a longer set so they can actually play more than a few songs?

In a true traveling festival set-up, it does not take that long because you aren't given that long. There is a very tight schedule to keep. This is not Ozzfest where you can start at 11am. The economics simply don't justify it.

***And if that would mean making the lineup smaller, then do that.

No, do not. If you are going to do that, then turn it back into a venue tour. The fact is that the big bands are the draw and the smaller bands are brought into appeal to the fringe element in that they have a draw to another segment that may not see the tour otherwise.

***There are only three bands on that second-stage "maybes" list that are even deserving of being on a tour like this, so if Dave Mustaine is concerned about quality, he'll let the lineup reflect that.

This is horseshit. There isn't a single tour booked in the States based on "artistic integerity." Besides, this type of booking is meant to be very diverse and appeal to a broad audience. The mallrats are going to come for Fear Factory and DEP, not DT. Their dollar counts just the same.

****Or, Dave Mustaine will just be an asshole and put a bunch of pop bands on the bill so he can fill his pocket as much as possible, while saying he's keeping musical integrity by having Dream Theater on the main stage.

Good god man do you actually believe that? Mustaine is attempting to put together a package that will work. The more money he makes, the more proud I am of him. Plus, Dream Theater draws more than Megadeth. It has nothing to do with Dream Theater being artistic quality. Dream Theater fits great with this package as it's something completely different for them and could potentially expand their audience.

Million times better than my resonse would've da man, Glenn:)

I do tire of people always wanting 'art' want art, go to a fuckin' museum. This is rock n roll and, as Glenn stated, a business. I don't do my job so someone can admire it and enjoy it...I do because I get paid, so do they. This is their chosen line of work, and while no one is owed a living in this country, they expect to make money off their hard work just like everyone else. Maybe once some people have gotten out into the real world and run a business they will begin to understand the realities of life.

Again I'll say, this tour for PoS or SymX would be much greater, in expanding their audience, than any number of club tours attended by people who are already their fans. PoS can do a 2 leg European tour...well, this ain't Europe. A place on this second stage would, I dare say, expose them to more people than the whole of that 2 leg European tour.
Exactly. A band as popular as Nightwish in Europe sells well over a million copies and do you know how many copies they've sold in the US? Less than 20 thousand...

For Once anyways.
I don't have any experience with the music business, so anything I say is from a music/art perspective....

Anyway, yeah, if Dave Mustaine wants to make money, it's obvious which bands he should put on the lineup. Personally, I'd be embarassed to stamp my name on Taproot or the other pop bands on the "second stage maybe" list.

And I'm happy Pain Of Salvation will be making more money because of this tour, but I hope no one thinks they will get more recognition than they already have because of it. Most of the people will just listen to them because they're popular now because they're touring with Megadeth.

Just putting Pain Of Salvation next to Taproot pissed me off because it's just so awful. Like putting Bach next to Mike Shinoda and saying they're even close to the same category. It's not like it's impossible to do something that makes a living and keep your musical integrity.
I don't like responding to this because I feel like I can't not feel like I'm just writing jumbled things without writing a page or so on this....^_^

I hate music "scenes" and such, especially the metal "scene." But really it's just similar to how a lot of other music genres are at times. People are shitty in general and want something simple that they can understand the first time they hear it and no one gets the recognition they deserve during life. It just seems so much more blatantly obvious to me in the current "metal" scene. I generally look at things from a classical perspective......and transferring thinking from that to current "popular" music (i.e. non-classical) always ends up in me being annoyed. Because if you talk to any classical music people, things are always "just so." There's never the "let's do this because it's catchy and entertaining" factor. There's never the "let's just screw around on instruments and not really learn anything about music" factor. There's never the "is this too long for the radio?" factor, or any other shitty factors associated with entertainment.

Entertainment is fine, although I have no interest in it. I just hate it when people put entertainment with music and say they're on the same level.

Edit: So to put this in perspective with the topic.....things have always been like this, with what's popular and what's music being different, and I don't hold out any hope for change. I don't think Pain Of Salvation or any good bands are ever going to get the real recognition they deserve, and definitely not now while they're touring. I think that's an illusion if you think that. So, since I don't care about that, I'm just talking about what's best in terms of the art, and it may be completely unrealistic, but it's what I think.
I still think back to King's X situation back in 1994 playing Woodstock and touring with PearlJam.

How big did it make King's X?..they thought they would have their record sales go through the roof. Did it happen, after 10's of thousands of kids saw/heard them for the 1st time?

maybe 11 years later things could be different on a relative scale, but it just goes to show getting exposure doesn't gurantee anything.

Yeeeeaaaahhhh!! Now we're gettin' down to it!

BEST quote I've heard in a long time, maybe ever:

"You want art, go to a fuckin' museum!"

Thanks for that, I just laughed so hard I shot pizza through my nose (I'm eating).... Is it safe to spray Windex on my LCD monitor?
Yeah, I think you're fantacizing if you think that putting Taproot and Pain Of Salvation together on a bill is going to bring in all the pop fans and convert them to liking music.

A lot of people just don't care about real music. They're still going to stick with entertainment that entertains them the first time no matter what else they hear. Probably more "good" bands than you think have toured with "big" acts, and it certainly doesn't get them the musical recognition they deserve, even if a bunch of trendy kids decide to go out and buy their music because it's cool. Mr. Bungle toured with System Of A Down when touring for 'California,' for example.
metal71 said:
Yeeeeaaaahhhh!! Now we're gettin' down to it!

BEST quote I've heard in a long time, maybe ever:

"You want art, go to a fuckin' museum!"

Thanks for that, I just laughed so hard I shot pizza through my nose (I'm eating).... Is it safe to spray Windex on my LCD monitor?

But isn't music supposed to be art?

I'd it and came up with two different definitions that I think are the two general definitions of "music" people have.

1: The art of arranging sounds in time so as to produce a continuous, unified, and evocative composition, as through melody, harmony, rhythm, and timbre.

2: An aesthetically pleasing or harmonious sound or combination of sounds: the music of the wind in the pines.

Obviously I go with definition number one. That certainly doesn't mean that music isn't made of pleasing sounds, but I think music is on a higher level than things you see on television and hear on the radio. That's just entertainment, but music is art. Of course..........seems a lot of people in this topic go with definition number two. For me, the fun value of music really isn't a plus for me. Even if I like something that's "fun," maybe I'll listen to it for a while, then never listen to it again, as you can absorb the whole song in one listen, and it becomes quite dull. I guess I'm your regular old "classical music snob." Oh well.....>_>
metal71 said:
That's deep, dude! You should be a philosophizerist.... I just thought it was a funny quote, that's all. Personally, I think music is the best art form.... It's PORTABLE!

Amen to that! It wouldn't work out so well if your favorite art form was sculpture, now, would it?