Gigantour Second Stage Bands

Barking Pumpkin said:
I don't whine about bands not getting exposure. The reason bands that are real music don't get massive exposure is because music isn't popular. Entertainment is popular. People want to be entertained, and they want to be entertained the first time they hear or see something. The only reason a band is getting massive popular exposure is because they've done something to their sound to attract people who like entertainment. Pain Of Salvation are already popular enough to do a two-leg European tour, it's not like they're some uber-underground band.

And yes, I think 20 minutes is ridiculous. It takes at least that, if not more like thirty just to get the band's equipment set up, so why not give them a longer set so they can actually play more than a few songs? And if that would mean making the lineup smaller, then do that. There are only three bands on that second-stage "maybes" list that are even deserving of being on a tour like this, so if Dave Mustaine is concerned about quality, he'll let the lineup reflect that.

Or, Dave Mustaine will just be an asshole and put a bunch of pop bands on the bill so he can fill his pocket as much as possible, while saying he's keeping musical integrity by having Dream Theater on the main stage.

You are really the most annoying person on this forum. For one, you never make any good sense of anything. the above reply, just made me laugh at how fucking dumb you are. The person that posted before you is right, it is about exposure, and well deserved exposure to whatever band gets to play. GO TO EUROPE AND STAY!!! if you like it so much to have "your own" tours!!!
I am a huge Overkill fan. I have seen them twice on their current tour and would go insane if they were on the gigantour. I would rather them get 45 minutes on the 1st stage but if they got 30 and headlined the 2nd stage that would be cool just the same. Adding Pain of Salvation who I thought were awesome last year and Sym X would make this a killer tour especially for the low ticket prices that are being mentioned
LOCALX said:
You are really the most annoying person on this forum. For one, you never make any good sense of anything. the above reply, just made me laugh at how fucking dumb you are. The person that posted before you is right, it is about exposure, and well deserved exposure to whatever band gets to play. GO TO EUROPE AND STAY!!! if you like it so much to have "your own" tours!!!

I'm so sick of this mindset some people have that just because there's a good band there means we're not allowed to say anything that should be better about the tour. Dave Mustaine putting Taproot or any of the pop bands on there would be crappy. Dream Theater and Megadeth sell out arenas, don't they? Why do they need to put pop bands on the bill to make it sell? The setlists being 20 minutes for opening bands is also pretty crappy. If they have five headlining bands and four second stage bands that's less than four hours of playing time total. I've been to club shows longer than that.

Sure, exposure is fine, but there's still something to be said for the fans that will go see them.

Would you like for Pain Of Salvation to start making pop songs so that they could sell big in America? Because they could do it in a second, but that's not the point of making music.
Dude, don't be fucking stupid. He's not getting the "pop" band Taproot to sell anything... How much more people is he gonna get by doing that by show? 100? 200 maybe?

And quit this bullshit of "They're not my type of metal they shouldnt be playing"... Seriously kid, grow up....
Megadeth and Dream Theater do not sell out Arenas in America, maybe in Japan or Brazil, but in America- hell no. In America only Punk, NuMetal, Metallica, Rush and Poprock bands sell out arenas.
Lets cut the fodder and just put on a DT/SymX tour. Maybe Megadeath can open for them if I'm feeling cheery when I finalize the plans.
AngraRULES said:
Dude, don't be fucking stupid. He's not getting the "pop" band Taproot to sell anything... How much more people is he gonna get by doing that by show? 100? 200 maybe?

And quit this bullshit of "They're not my type of metal they shouldnt be playing"... Seriously kid, grow up....

I can't believe people are defending Taproot. I don't even call this music. It's made specifically to entertain the masses, that's not what music is about. Regardless of that, it's not even close to being metal at all. He can't call this a festival with "musicianship" as the focus and put a pop band on there. So why would he be getting Taproot, then?
No offense dude, but I think you are getting on a lot of peoples nerves here. Everybody respects an opinion, but you are just not coming across very good! Get a grip, people like different types of music beside the stuff you listen to. It's all relative to each and every person that listens to it. Just go back and look at some of your posts. I think you will get my point.
Barking Pumpkin said:
He can't call this a festival with "musicianship" as the focus and put a pop band on there.

I know jackshit about Taproot, but there are plenty of "pop" bands who have "musicianship." Prince, for one, is a hell of a musician, IMO. You can have your opinion, sure, but you could also have a better-informed opinion if you so choose.

Barking Pumpkin said:
I can't believe people are defending Taproot. I don't even call this music. It's made specifically to entertain the masses, that's not what music is about. Regardless of that, it's not even close to being metal at all. He can't call this a festival with "musicianship" as the focus and put a pop band on there. So why would he be getting Taproot, then?

Do you get entertained when you listen to music that you like? So the music you like is entertainment.

Is there people out there that like this band? Yes. Am I one of them? Absolutely not. Do I care if they suck that bad? Not at all.

If you don't wanna see them at the festival, simply walk away when they come onstage, that's it. Why the fuck are you concerned if they're metal or not? That's none of your fucking business. The bottom line is that Mustaine will put whoever the fuck he wants on the fest, and, regardless of being pop or not PEOPLE STILL ARE GONNA GO TO THE FUCKING FEST. Does he care about your opinion? Belive me, he probably doesn't give a shit!

He already has Dream Theater on the bill. Nevermore. His own band, Megadeth. That's enough musicianship only within those three bands. And even if he got other 30 "pop" bands I would still only show up to see these three bands that I've mentioned. Show up to see the bands you want to see, it IS that easy.

Now, I'm sorry if I'm going to offend you now, but try to make more sense in your posts, or opinions, or whatever. You sound like a 16 year old kid who's trying to sound badass... Oh, wait... You are indeed a 16 year old kid... seriously man, some of your posts are pathetic...grow up for god's sake...
lady_space said:
I know jackshit about Taproot, but there are plenty of "pop" bands who have "musicianship." Prince, for one, is a hell of a musician, IMO. You can have your opinion, sure, but you could also have a better-informed opinion if you so choose.


Sorry about that, I'm using pop music basically as motive based categorization, as opposed to something having to do with the musical characteristics. I think a large part of the line between entertainment and music is motive. Is a band trying to express their vision, or sell records? Although I don't know a lot of the classic pop people, I have respect for people like Prince and Elton John because they're expressing their musical vision and they have excellent musical skills.....and I have newfound respect for Elton John with his whole stance on lip-synching and verbally slapping Madonna.

However, Taproot, and any number of other bands I might call entertainment make things to sell records and simply with the motive of appealing to a large audience to sell those records. They don't even have a shred of originality. They're what, third wave nu-metal? It's just an insult to music for me to see Pain Of Salvation and Taproot to be considered for the same stage together.
Also consider that Mustaine is 100% badass metal. He's not here to explore the mysteries of existence or the human psyche like prog, he's just here to kick all of our asses. I think 2 prog bands on this tour is great, considering Mustaine is coming from a different (but related) genre and perspective. So what if there's some crap on the bill, it's all opinion and someone out there must like them!

I'm reminded of the words of the great Devin Townsend:

"And music...well it's just entertainment, folks!" :D
I know I sound like some kind of elitist asshole, but I really love music. I think it's fine if people are not really interested in the "art" of music and just want some entertainment in your spare time, but with new technology, and media, there's just so much degradation of music going on. There's a whole history of music, and bands who are just around for money and don't really care about the art just throw all that music history away, they don't use it. This is still fine.......but this whole putting some real art and then some....other stuff together, saying it's equal, everyone here are great musicians, it just bothers me. Is art so dead that a tour can't be put together that will sell without putting shamelessly commercial things on there?
I can see where you're coming from in that post, makes a lot more sense than your previous few.

But you can't let it get to you so much. So the general population may have some poor musical choices. Fuck 'em! We know we love our prog/power/whatever else and that's that, right?

Anyway, if everyone had the same idea of good and bad music, progpower would get WAY too packed to even fathom meeting any band members. :loco:
Right. I'm just going to wait and see what the final decision will be on the second stage. I just hope that the mainstage bands will satisfy whatever selling need everyone tells me the festival that this festival can stay great. Of is great if PoS is there, I'm just hoping for the best.