Gigantour Second Stage Bands

hmmm I tried and tried but I don't see any bands on there that would be considered "pop".

Bee happy for once that a festival (that tours, excluding PP) is coming around that doesn't have Korn, Linken Park or Limp Bizkit. The only bands on the bill I haven't heard are Dillinger Escape Plan and Taproot. I had a Diecast album but they didn't do much for me. Otep is pretty cool, any chick that can sing like that is ok in my book (see also Arch Enemy).

20 minutes is a tad dabsird though. 30 & 45 would be better and for god sake's leap frog the bands so if ytou could you could see all of them perform.

I'm a big Megadeth & Motorhead fan.. never seen either until that Ozfest tour and I had left during Megadeth's set to see Motorhead. Cool part, I was actually on stage near God during their entire set.
Creeps said:
Bee happy for once that a festival (that tours, excluding PP) is coming around that doesn't have Korn, Linken Park or Limp Bizkit. The only bands on the bill I haven't heard are Dillinger Escape Plan and Taproot. I had a Diecast album but they didn't do much for me. Otep is pretty cool, any chick that can sing like that is ok in my book (see also Arch Enemy).

Taproot submitted their first demo to Fred Durst, who was going to get them signed. They had a single or two on MTV a few years ago when nu-metal was still popular, so they're every bit as crappy as the three bands you mentioned.

Edit: Pop only means this: Of or for the general public; popular or popularized, so yes, I think it's not just Taproot that fits that, referring to the first part of the definition.
Cool part, I was actually on stage near God during their entire set.

Gotta love Airheads..
Who'd win in a wrestling match, Lemmy or God?
Wrong, dickhead, trick question. Lemmy IS God.
Ok let's put an end to this "art" vs "entertainment" crap:

I think people forget this (and I've seen many Prog fans really forget this): There is an art to writing a 3:40 good, melodic, catchy song. It's an art, true and real. Certainly, not everyone can do it. I don't care if it's Poison or Poisonblack, there's an art to writing a song that appeals to a mass of people. That's why we're all not millionaires in a band.

Likewise, there is also an art to entertaining. You've heard the phrase "they owned the stage"? Not everyone can do that. Hell, most bands can't do that. And then you see someone come on and the entertain the hell out of you. This is an art. Kiss made a living off of this "art of entertainment" as it were. I can be the best technical artist in the world and yet I can lack all entertaining value to the masses and I can't sell cds. On the other hand, I can be Poison and be "not so technical" and use the art of entertaining to move 10 million cds.

It's all art boys and girls; Music and showmanship. People are interested in their "style" of musical art just like they like Manet vs Monet. It doesn't make either one right. Parents love the hell out of their kids' art because it appeals to their art sensibilities. It's all relative.
Barking Pumpkin,

First off you seem like you really like metal and know the stuff you've been exposed to. On the other hand you remind me of myself when I was 15 too. Back then I had my bands and them and only them are worthy of mine and everyone else's time. You listen to shit like Ratt? Oh you're a poser, you suck and have shitty taste in life! Just change out Ratt with Taproot and that's basically the whole vibe I'm getting. Give it a few years man, start to understand the business side of things more (believe me the difference between what you hear from your stereo and everything else such as touring, legality issues, managing, promoting, finances is like night and day). I'm glad you are very adamant in supporting metal but like some other people have stated we all listen to everything here. Hell, I'm gonna switch off Masterplan now and put on some fucking JOURNEY who are the quintessential 80's pop rock band. Why? Cos I like it plain and simple.

I really only care about this other stuff when it's affecting real artists. i.e. Cryptopsy gets a crap -core band opening because that's what's popular when Martyr deserved to get the opening spot.......SYL should be touring with bands that aren't crap. Real artists aren't getting as many opportunities because of this entertainment. So Taproot can tour and be as popular as they want and make as much money as they want and I don't care, unless they're taking away opportunities from other bands. I don't even see a point in putting them on the bill. They were never all that popular, and they're definitely not now.

And on the variety issue, outside of all metal genres I love classical and jazz. I just don't like bland, simple things. It can be simple and not tecnical, but I don't like bland things like what is generally on the radio. They're just so....bland. I listen to some of this sometimes for entertainment value, but it's just that, entertainment, not for musical value.
Otep is pretty cool, any chick that can sing like that is ok in my book (see also Arch Enemy).
Hate to break it to you, but she can't. I saw Otep at Ozzfest last year and she sounded like a whinny little kid. The fact that she fake beheaded a pig and whined about Bush for 10 minutes of the 20 minute set didn't help much.

I don't give points just for being a growly female singer. Arch Enemy's new music is mediocre at best.......if you want a female singer who can actually do good harsh vocals, check out Cadaveria formerly of Opera IX.....but my absolute favorite female singer is Monika Edvardson from Atrox, but she doesn't growl....she doesn't need to to be awesome.
I think a large part of the line between entertainment and music is motive.
There is no line, music is entertainment...and that doesn't mean that it has to dumbed down either. Something can be thought provoking and entertaining at the same time. That also doesn't mean that everything has to be high brow all the time. Hell, the Three Stooges ain't intellectual, but them fuckers are funny as hell and damn sure entertaining.

Is a band trying to express their vision, or sell records?
Um, both. I can't imagine a band, that has ever recorded an album, hoping that no one bought it.
This just in:
Mustaine made a typo. He meant Opeth, not Otep.

Just kiddin, Opeth will be on the Sounds of the underground tour by then. Oh man, I crack myself up sometimes.
Barking Pumpkin said:
But isn't music supposed to be art?

I'd it and came up with two different definitions that I think are the two general definitions of "music" people have.

1: The art of arranging sounds in time so as to produce a continuous, unified, and evocative composition, as through melody, harmony, rhythm, and timbre.

2: An aesthetically pleasing or harmonious sound or combination of sounds: the music of the wind in the pines.

Obviously I go with definition number one. That certainly doesn't mean that music isn't made of pleasing sounds, but I think music is on a higher level than things you see on television and hear on the radio. That's just entertainment, but music is art. Of course..........seems a lot of people in this topic go with definition number two. For me, the fun value of music really isn't a plus for me. Even if I like something that's "fun," maybe I'll listen to it for a while, then never listen to it again, as you can absorb the whole song in one listen, and it becomes quite dull. I guess I'm your regular old "classical music snob." Oh well.....>_>

Both definitions are valid, and it's completely subjective. I'm a bit of a classical music snob myself, but the way I see it, what good is music if it is not pleasing? Finland is fond of calling Magnus Lindberg 'the new Sibelius' and Lindberg is a pretty world-reknowned guy. Well, I had to sit through his Feria at the Atlanta Symphony, and it was terrible. A mess of dissonance that dragged on and on and sounded mostly like a bunch of film effects smashed together. I just can't stand 'contemporary'/post-modern music (or visual art, or philosophy...), no matter how many people talk about it in a pseudo-intellectual fashion. It seemed even worse because it was followed up by Brahm's Symphony No.4, which, while hardly as simple as the wind in the pines, is extremely pleasing to the ear and by comparison very conventional. Is Lindberg an artist? Well, sure, and if experimentation and constant progression alone made good music, he'd be a good artist, but I don't think it is so. I'll be the last person to defend a band like DIECAST, but there's no need to damn a guy like Mustaine, who is spending his time and effort to promote good bands just because the bill might be padded with some fluff. We shouldn't be too hard on the people who would be drawn in to see the fluff bands, because they may well dig POS or SymX - who cares if they also like OTEP? I think Beethoven's 9th is the greatest piece of music ever written, but sometimes I want to listen to Billy Joel. All of life is a dispute over taste and tasting or some such thing, ya know.
woosta said:
Ok let's put an end to this "art" vs "entertainment" crap:

I think people forget this (and I've seen many Prog fans really forget this): There is an art to writing a 3:40 good, melodic, catchy song. It's an art, true and real. Certainly, not everyone can do it. I don't care if it's Poison or Poisonblack, there's an art to writing a song that appeals to a mass of people. That's why we're all not millionaires in a band.

Likewise, there is also an art to entertaining. You've heard the phrase "they owned the stage"? Not everyone can do that. Hell, most bands can't do that. And then you see someone come on and the entertain the hell out of you. This is an art. Kiss made a living off of this "art of entertainment" as it were. I can be the best technical artist in the world and yet I can lack all entertaining value to the masses and I can't sell cds. On the other hand, I can be Poison and be "not so technical" and use the art of entertaining to move 10 million cds.

It's all art boys and girls; Music and showmanship. People are interested in their "style" of musical art just like they like Manet vs Monet. It doesn't make either one right. Parents love the hell out of their kids' art because it appeals to their art sensibilities. It's all relative.

That...yeah. Bingo. I ordinarily wouldn't quote an entire post this long, but I agree with everything you wrote here.