Gigantour Second Stage Bands

All I know is I cannot wait to see the final roster and some damn TOUR DATES!

I need to plot out my vacation time at work, the wait is killing me!
bhcompy said:
Lets cut the fodder and just put on a DT/SymX tour. Maybe Megadeath can open for them if I'm feeling cheery when I finalize the plans.

now thats the best post in this thread!!
Found this message posted by Jax dated April 28 on The Symphony X forum regarding the Gigantour...

Jax said:
~Tour dates~

Symphony X will NOT be part of the Gigantour; finishing the new cd takes precedence over going out on tour.

Any South American festival dates are NOT confirmed as of today; when/if that changes, it will be announced here (and on the websites & mailing lists).

lifesadream said:
I am wondering if Accept might be that band he talked to overseas to headline the 2nd stage.


I certainly hope not. That would be a big downer after hearing Pain Of Salvation mentioned.
I just cant imagine PoS headlining the second stage because of their total unknownity(not a real word) in the US, but they were the only band from Europe on that original list. Honestly I hope that there is some mystery band from Europe that wasnt named earlier to headline.
Much as I love PoS, I agree...they'd be an odd choice to headline the second stage.

Hmm, maybe as a part of their contract they have to 'sleep' on the floor at BWI airport the night before? :)
Barking Pumpkin said:
I really only care about this other stuff when it's affecting real artists. i.e. Cryptopsy gets a crap -core band opening because that's what's popular when Martyr deserved to get the opening spot.......SYL should be touring with bands that aren't crap. Real artists aren't getting as many opportunities because of this entertainment. So Taproot can tour and be as popular as they want and make as much money as they want and I don't care, unless they're taking away opportunities from other bands. I don't even see a point in putting them on the bill. They were never all that popular, and they're definitely not now.

And on the variety issue, outside of all metal genres I love classical and jazz. I just don't like bland, simple things. It can be simple and not tecnical, but I don't like bland things like what is generally on the radio. They're just so....bland. I listen to some of this sometimes for entertainment value, but it's just that, entertainment, not for musical value.

This just goes to show a lack of basic business sense that, unfortunately, affects the world of (commercial and otherwise) art.

I like the comments about "sometimes I listen to music for musical value...sometimes I just want to be entertained..." shit!

What a regimented little existence you've carved out for yourself...

Lighten up...

Rock on!
Barking Pumpkin said:
But they don't make the music thinking "how can we sell more records?"

You bet your ass they do...

Some bands do it very well...others "sell out" within their respective genre.

Some bands try to make sure they maintain consistent quality so they can proceed forward (sell more) with each respective release...and some just fall flat on their ass.

People get into the music business for the sake of art (or chicks, drugs, fame, fortune, whatever), but, in the end, it's still a business. The successful bands are the ones that know how to handle the business end, however much or little the business end may (positively or negatively) affect them. Bottom line -- it is a business...

Rock on!
More on topic posting....

Dave Mustaine said:

Today I am off to do a press statement for the Artisan News Group concerning Gigantour. After that, I should be coming home with the information that I have been waiting for regarding the tour in the states.

There are three more dates that we need to confirm before we announce the entire tour routing. There will also be some select shows in-between and after Dream Theater is no longer available in some areas.

We also will be able to tell you this week who else are coming on Gigantour's second stage.

Lastly, have a great steenking week!
ashaman7122 said:
You bet your ass they do...

Some bands do it very well...others "sell out" within their respective genre.

As I've said Dream Theater have been doing since Six Degrees. The overly technical swing they've gone on definitely comes off as prog fan service to me.
"I am still interested in DRY KILL LOGIC, OVERKILL, DEAD NEW DAY, RE:IGNITION, LIFE OF AGONY, CHILDREN OF BODOM, THE AGONY SCENE, DIECAST, SYMPHONY X, OTEP, and believe it or not, ANTHRAX and TESTAMENT. There are a lot more bands still trying to get onboard, but I think I will just have to make a list for next year."

So i guess the final roster will probably have these bands involved. apparently Dillinger won't be on the first dates, and DT won't be near the end. Hope the MD/DC/VA area gets a date without Dillinger, haha.
Yeah, and my interest in seeing this festival has gone to zero. Dave Mustaine can go fuck off.

*goes off to pout*
I don't get it. I'm not allowed to say what I think? I know it will sell well. This is a forum for discussion, I'm unhappy that Pain Of Salvation aren't on the bill after I thought they would be. If it was Pain Of Salvation's decision not to be there, then no issue with Dave, but it didn't sound that way with the whole "these are the bands I'm still interested in" thing.

Or is that just supposed to be a funny poke and I'm supposed to laugh it off......just in case....^_^.
Well if the headliner for the second stage is gong to be european, that would have to eliminate it down to Children Of Bodom. Which I am okay with because they are rockin' even though I have seen them twice. Although Symphony X would have been the superior choice, I really hope that Dry Kill Logic and Otep arent going to be there.