gigs upon gigs of drum samples!?!?

I'm not just thinking about organizing these samples, I WANT to! I'm kind of a nerd when it comes to sorting through thousands of files, pieces of paper, computer files... and this could really be a cool collection once it gets up on the website!
At the moment i've uploaded 761mb's of samples to the dropbox - more to come - phew

I just added a fuck load more samples into the dropbox sneap folder so who ever is organizing them go nuts!

Sneap/Samples/Generic Collection/Random Drum Samples - Mick Thompson/

Andy's Chimaira Toms are in there now too for those of you who dont have them since andy is sorting out his site & server due to a mid life crisis - haha

Sneap/Samples/Toms/Mick Thompson's Collection/Andy Sneap's Toms/Chimaira Toms/

anyone who needs/wants an invite to the folder pm me

EDIT: i forgot to mention i have around another 100 or 200mb's of samples on my other machine, i'll grab them tomorrow and dropbox em