gimmicks in bm

I think it's a brilliant idea to sell out. Play what you want for 5 years and slowly start selling out. You need to make it look natural still having older elements so if new fans don't grasp it you still have old ones. Just keep going until a new group catches on. Ditch the kvlt people that live in their mothers basements. In return you would get better tours and more money.

oh yeah
Life Sucks said:
lol if bm bands cared about profit, they would be doing nu metal or hip hop. The best selling bm band doesn't even make enough money so that the members don't have to have jobs on the side.
I wasnt saying the BM are very profitable and earn millions of pounds like "nu-metal" bands etc I was trying to say gimmicks make bands more money if there is a gimmick behind the band word gets around easier and more people are exposed to the music.
It is hard enough to make money in the music buisness let alone if your a BM band as it isn't the most admired genre in music.
I can understand the fact you think im talking shit because I cant really get my point down very well but I think its valid.
The Devil's Steed said:
And you'd be making shitty music.

so much music is shit(even in metal) it does not matter anymore. Making shitty metal or shitty mainstream songs is not any different. I'd rather make shitty mainstream songs so atleast you can make shitty music getting paid. I don't want to be one of those new shitty metal bands tying to play 'real metal'. I realized my thrash riffs/death metal riffs are not nearly as effective as my favorite albums.
Teh Grimarse said:
what label is Dummi Burger on now?

and off topic- has anyone ever seen that (bootleg?) Ulver disc with the picture of some fat hairy naked guy peeing on himself and Shagrath's face pasted on and it says "dummi burger"?

used to have a couple at a record store i worked at...

I have it. The Amputated stuff is awesome, the Ulver tracks suck.
The guy from bathory can't play guitar at all & you're not surprised. I'm pretty good for being 18 year olds.

I want to hear some people in 2006 that write death/thrash riffs as effective as 80's,early 90's bands or albums you hold as classics. Maybe I hold other peoples music to high.
The Greys said:
The guy from bathory can't play guitar at all & you're not surprised. I'm pretty good for being 18 year olds.

I want to hear some people in 2006 that write death/thrash riffs as effective as 80's,early 90's bands or albums you hold as classics. Maybe I hold other peoples music to high.
Listen to Deathchain then you idiot.
Deathchain is super plain and pretty mediocre. Check out Redimoni, Hammerwhore, and Alastor.
The Greys said:
The guy from bathory can't play guitar at all & you're not surprised. I'm pretty good for being 18 year olds.

I want to hear some people in 2006 that write death/thrash riffs as effective as 80's,early 90's bands or albums you hold as classics. Maybe I hold other peoples music to high.
You don't have to flaunt technical skill to create "effective" riffs.
Auschwitz said:
just plastic, lame and weak

Do listen to the album before you call it crap next time, ok? (This is where I hope you were one of the fags calling it crap)
Impudent said:
You don't have to flaunt technical skill to create "effective" riffs.

True. His guitar playing is just not appealing to me,end. Take away all my metal points if I even had any. Call me an idiot also!