girls in rock

singer of a norwegian rock band called briskeby:

Runhild Gammelsæter (Thorr's Hammer)

"...a drop-dead gorgeous 17 year old woman whose earth-splitting growl is so harsh and so heavy that it sounds like it is coming from a 400 pound biker whose "Live to Ride, Ride to Live" tattoo was done directly on his vocal chords. This is the voice that countless crust and doom vocalists would give up a lung to have."
Anneke is too classy to be in the girl in rock thread i think. You dont mix dish towels and top class 5 stars + luxury hotels towels eh.

Look :


then look :


You know what i mean?
Lenore said:
One more reason to say she doesnt belong to the rock stuff

shes made her bed, now she may sleep in it :D

look, she just fucking sings too much over the music, way too fucking much and wrecks the fucking thing, hitting all these fucking notes we could do without, fuckin hell. yea shes got a great voice but doesnt use it in a way, many of us would call 'fucking brilliant', its how you use the fucking thing :D

...again im talking to the fucking wall o_O