girls in rock

Anneke sure does rock. Her voice is heaven! Too bad that they are not so highly esteemed by me anymore.. my bf and his dvd-making company were in the race for making a new dvd for the gathering... of two shows, one accoustic. They were waiting for reply but then bf had to read on blabbermouth that The Gathering was making a dvd, obviously by another company. Not very nice, wouldnt have been too difficult for them to just make a phonecall to call it off for bf and his company... suckers. Sorry, i hate it when people dont have the decency to just ring or something.
Oh, someone else... not very rock, but a great experience to hear/see her perform: Beth Hart.

Must say that its mainly women who come to her shows haha... men dont like her I guess
Mtine said:
Anneke sure does rock. Her voice is heaven! Too bad that they are not so highly esteemed by me anymore.. my bf and his dvd-making company were in the race for making a new dvd for the gathering... of two shows, one accoustic. They were waiting for reply but then bf had to read on blabbermouth that The Gathering was making a dvd, obviously by another company. Not very nice, wouldnt have been too difficult for them to just make a phonecall to call it off for bf and his company... suckers. Sorry, i hate it when people dont have the decency to just ring or something.

that must have been hard....
haha well to me it wasnt, but boyfriend really was dissapointed. Anneke is the only female voice he can appreciate, especially in metal (well, they were metal at a point) anyway.. he'd really like to do it yes. But their loss, they called off (well no they didnt ofcourse) an amazing director (winner of a few awards on filmfestivals) and a pretty damn good editor/technician (my boyfriend... (L) :)

so Danny, another option for the dvd! hehe j/k
Mtine said:
haha well to me it wasnt, but boyfriend really was dissapointed. Anneke is the only female voice he can appreciate, especially in metal (well, they were metal at a point) anyway.. he'd really like to do it yes. But their loss, they called off (well no they didnt ofcourse) an amazing director (winner of a few awards on filmfestivals) and a pretty damn good editor/technician (my boyfriend... (L) :)

so Danny, another option for the dvd! hehe j/k

plug and play my arse
Anneke was good on Mandylion and Nighttime Birds - It sounds like she's mimicking an african american 'diva' on the this new gathering stuff, it's like nails to a chalkboard

has anyone heard Octavia from Bergen, Norway? great all female band, kind of like old madder mortem or As Divine Grace with some extreme parts, very dark and melodic.

there's a video for download - eye candy!
that stories from the blablabla album does it, shes class

girls in rock... remember the end of 90ies with alanis, joan osborne and sheryl crow
the horror the horror
ah yeah sorry didn't include english french german, it just told about my cruisade (ehm?) from komijnstraat to luxemburgstraat, which means you got my new address here in gent. it's 50 meters further in this even more shabby street. come and check it out! thats what it said

btw anyone remember doro pesch?
epica's young simone rocks imho.
and i hear arch enemy's frontwoman -don't know the name- tops in wacken like. although i don't find her vocals very pleasurable.