Glenn, what are the chances these guys will be booked for PPUSA?

Meaning, if they can do this on their own they likely don't need a festival to invite them. Very DIY, which I respect. I was alluding to their tour with Rhapsody, which I heard was awesome for those in attendance, but not so awesome on the "we want to make money doing this" front.

I don't know if you're very accurate there...
Then I really don't know what's going on I guess. I know that the people who attended the Manowar shows in the south said attendance was shit. Not too good for bands used to way better attendance in other areas.
Then I really don't know what's going on I guess. I know that the people who attended the Manowar shows in the south said attendance was shit. Not too good for bands used to way better attendance in other areas.

I am not entirely sure either. I remember New York City being absolutely packed, and other shows in that tour having similar sold out attendance. I can't tell you whether or not they did well throughout the whole country. Regardless of the attendance being light, I'm almost positive that Manowar still made money on that tour. If anyone lost on that, it must have been the promoters (as I doubt Manowar would agree to a fee based on attendance).
Meaning, if they can do this on their own they likely don't need a festival to invite them. Very DIY, which I respect. I was alluding to their tour with Rhapsody, which I heard was awesome for those in attendance, but not so awesome on the "we want to make money doing this" front.

I actually attended the Manowar/Rhapsody tour in Worcester, (I believe it was 2001?). It was a packed house that night, not sure how the rest of the tour did as far as attendance, but it was a better tour package and the ticket price ($40) was a lot more reasonable than $75-$100!
On a side note, I saw Manowar in 2011 because I won tickets for a local radio station. When they came here again in 2012 I passed due to the ticket price.
There would be interest. The problem is the interest won't equal the cost, as they probably would be paid headliner money and as much as I love them, I don't know if that would equal out.

You are letting your fanboyism get in the way here....

They have been on Nuc Blast and Napalm.
Both labels have MANY European bands who have toured successfully here in the States.

Don't you think that if there US album sales (IE - the "interest") were strong, they would have toured here, esp within the past 10 years?
You are letting your fanboyism get in the way here....

They have been on Nuc Blast and Napalm.
Both labels have MANY European bands who have toured successfully here in the States.

Don't you think that if there US album sales (IE - the "interest") were strong, they would have toured here, esp within the past 10 years?

Festival draw and tour draw are not the same thing though. I'd compare Grave Digger to a band like Falconer in terms of US draw. A Falconer headline tour would likely fail miserably but a Falconer PPUSA appearance would be pretty successful. The difference is that Grave Digger, at this point of their career, likely expect a headliner-sized paycheck, when they would absolutely not bring in a headliner-sized draw to the fest!

I'd also argue that most of those Nuclear Blast/Napalm Euro bands you're talking about toured the US before they had 'strong' album sales -- that is in opening/mid slots before touching the headliner ranking -- but that's another discussion for another thread and frankly one that's been had 10+ times now!!
Festival draw and tour draw are not the same thing though. I'd compare Grave Digger to a band like Falconer in terms of US draw. A Falconer headline tour would likely fail miserably but a Falconer PPUSA appearance would be pretty successful. The difference is that Grave Digger, at this point of their career, likely expect a headliner-sized paycheck, when they would absolutely not bring in a headliner-sized draw to the fest!

This is very true. Falconer would be lucky if they brought 10 people per show in the US, no exaggeration.

I'd also argue that most of those Nuclear Blast/Napalm Euro bands you're talking about toured the US before they had 'strong' album sales -- that is in opening/mid slots before touching the headliner ranking -- but that's another discussion for another thread and frankly one that's been had 10+ times now!!

LOL, this also.
Festival draw and tour draw are not the same thing though. I'd compare Grave Digger to a band like Falconer in terms of US draw. A Falconer headline tour would likely fail miserably but a Falconer PPUSA appearance would be pretty successful. The difference is that Grave Digger, at this point of their career, likely expect a headliner-sized paycheck, when they would absolutely not bring in a headliner-sized draw to the fest!

I'd also argue that most of those Nuclear Blast/Napalm Euro bands you're talking about toured the US before they had 'strong' album sales -- that is in opening/mid slots before touching the headliner ranking -- but that's another discussion for another thread and frankly one that's been had 10+ times now!!

But festivals are about the package as a whole, and rarely about one main band. At least to me, unless the festival is built around just ONE headliner, which I think is a bad business move. PP USA is definitely NOT built around just ONE main band, which I think has aided to its success.

I agree that GD would be an amazing addition to any fest.
I have been a fan for a very long time.
At least to me

Well there's your answer.

I can speak from personal experience that my first PP was solely driven by one band (Stratovarius, because I didn't know who anyone else on that day was) and even more recently, the last minute addition of Mortuary Drape to MDF 2012 convinced me to bite the bullet and fly up in addition to the already great lineup. Not everyone is you (or me for that matter) and thinks the way you do and approaches music the same way you do.
It would require a new visa for Chris, I would LOVE to see Mutiny Within in a 90 minute slot. Their new album is killer, but he had stated with no label or support, financially he can never play in the USA again.

They must need a boatload of financial support if a New Jersey-based band can't ever play a show in the US again....