Glitch in I am

Yeah, let's put this in perspective. We all love this album to pieces. The fact that we can spend 3 pages discussing a tiny noise that may or may not be intentional just verifies our status as the home of the World's Most Diehard Theocracy Fans :lol:
^^ Truth! :kickass:

Matt Smith said:
That's the one, shows that just like everyone's been saying, it's the word "watch", so not a glitch. Just a little abrupt, but then it is being sung pretty fast.

I just heard the keyboard/synth in the background in the first mixdown section for the first time, never noticed it before :goggly:
There's another one on my disc.
Does anybody of you hear a sound at the last seconds of the track (10:51) that sounds if there is a mobile phone too near to the speaker? You know this fast pulsing "bipbipbip"...

Now this one I do hear. It's very quiet, as the music is fading out. Sounds like a cellphone was left too close to a speaker.
I think it is just a perfect storm of things that highlights this specific part. It sounds like the "What" part being magnified (in our minds?) Knowing Matt's unrelentless pursuit of perfectionism, I am sure he would of caught it if it was a mistake. Matt probably spent an unholy amount of time on this project to get everything right. Honestly it doesn't bother me that much, and I probably wouldn't have heard it, unless mentioned.

Thanks Matt for the break downs. Now go enjoy your life! :P
I have the CD and it's clearly there, totally out of context of the rest of the vocals and music. It almost sounds like a hiccup :lol:

There's another one on my disc.
Does anybody of you hear a sound at the last seconds of the track (10:51) that sounds if there is a mobile phone too near to the speaker? You know this fast pulsing "bipbipbip"...

Sorry Matt, I don't want to take away anything from that album with this question. The production is great! I listened to Wuthering Height's "Salt" right after the album and it sounded almost muddy in comparison.

Does anybody hear the sound of nails on a chalkboard? Or is it just Matt that hears that? :P
Hey, while we're discussing glitches, though, I may have spotted another one in Nailed (I hope this discussion is not annoying or discouraging to Matt and the band!).

Right at 4:37-4:39, I hear a little distorted gurgliness in the vocals on the word "door." It's on the YouTube version, too. This does not sound intentional to me, although I may be wrong.
I have to say, Matt posting the separated tracks to tackle this "critically important" [\sarcasm] issue proves that Theocracy is a FULL-SERVICE BAND! :kickass:

Even after listening to Glitch3.mp3, the sound I hear *still* doesn't sound like that. However, I am now willing to accept that I must be insane :waah:
Speaking of distortion, now that I am used to the distorted vocals on 'God' in the first instance of Altar to the Unknown God, I get disappointed when I don't hear it on the subsequent instances!
Really? I thought it worked well for the intro, but I don't think I'd like it if it happened in the other 2 choruses...

Yeah, I agree, it wouldn't really work well elsewhere - it's great as an intro. It's just, once I got used to it, I started liking it so much, that my brain always wants to hear it (even though I intellectually know it wouldn't work).
OK, I opened the mix file and made three seperate MP3s of everything going on in that section. First is the band:

Second is the first choir:

And third is the second choir:

I still don't hear anything, but there you have it, that's everything playing in that section...

Very interesting. Thanks for putting these up.
I listened to them separately and didn't hear the "glitch". Then I played the 3 files together and there was it again :guh:
Then I tried different combinations and again seperated plays...and now I (and my wife as well) hear it in the second choir part.

The "sound" we hear is in fact the "wa" of "watch..." of the second choir. I still think it sounds a little strange though in the second choir mix, but is more "obvious" in combination with the first choir.

Maybe we are not insane, but our minds interpret this specific part in a strange way :goggly: