Global Metal

I've found the film thanks to this thread :D
The friend of my friend gave it to me and I watched it yesterday. Pretty amazing! :D Very interesting, I didn't know most of those bands, there should be more such documentaries that show how metal music can be different, from how many different sources can take the inspiration and how it unites the fans from different cultures. And it's good to show some bands that aren't so much known worldwide, but their music may deserve to get to know better :)

And a fragment of Orphaned Land's live performance - greeeeat! I hope to be on such concert one day... ^^
i'm actually in the *very, very*early planning stages of a documentary on metal in the Philippines, Malaysia, Korea, Japan and Taiwan. been playing with the idea for a good 4-5 years now but i'm seriously planning it now

also playing around with the idea of a doc on the strange mixes of music in Japan. For example recently a 21 year standing hard rock band did a single with a 14 member pop band.

i felt that Global Metal should have had a section on Taiwan. Huge political rift there between the natives and the Chinese that fled the mainland and made their home there and metal bands that reflect that and call for a unity