Global Metal


Orphaned Brother
Apr 6, 2008
Except for the thread about the trailer, I'm quite surprised that there is nothing else about Global Metal.
I saw the documentary last night and it was AMAZING.
Pardon my ignorance, but its ' Ornaments of Gold ' right ? Sounds a little different from the album :D Finally got to view a good footage of Orphaned Land performing. And Yossi with his Oud.

The metal mall in Brazil, Tang Dynasty , hell even the major ass concerts in Indonesia took my by surprise. I believe that Sam has Dunn some kickass work. Was a little disappointed that the best of Indian Metal wasn't showcased and that the venue in that City [Bombay/Mumbai] closed its doors to metal quite literally.

The Iron Maiden concert in my city, Bangalore, was just as great as depicted. I initially was confused while watching the movie as I spoke to Sam during the concert and no mention was made about it during the India leg. But I was pleasantly surprised :) . Although I don't quite like the over-hyped FOTD, I have to say 50-60 thousand people [ yes I reckon he got the number wrong ] screaming at the top of their lungs to the song, it just took me to another place. I had never experienced something like that ever. 17th March 2007 . I am never going to forget that day. Suffered from PCD for the next few months. Post Concert Depression i.e. Watching the footage raised the hair on the back of neck.

Share your views about the movie !
Hi all

I've never got into Orphaned Land until seeing this documentary. The song which starts off the section for Orphaned Land in the film, approx 1h 11m into the movie, what is it? The vocals are just stunning.
damn....I have to find it....
i waited to see this documentary.....and have no time now when it's out.....

I remember the gig which they was one of the greatest!
check it out on youtube. You gonna find it easily!
indeed, this documentary is really interesting. It's really impressive to see such people listening Metal, even if they don't have the same culture or the same state of mind.
We will see what can be done- I actually have it here at home. Yannick always knows the good presents to snatch:loco:
Sorry to have not been present for a while, but there was major stuff to be moved from one country to the other so you do the math!:heh:
Concerning the question from teh newbie; welcome in and Im on it, whatch this space for a reply ok.
I watched it... really good stuff. :D

Glad they interviewed Orphaned Land!

BTW Yossi was playing a Buzuki, not Oud during the live show of El Meod Na'ala.
i still think that it's fun to watch and all, being a metal fan. you like to see the flag raised for metal..

apart from that, both movies are quite superficial and miss some great opportunities.
i still think that it's fun to watch and all, being a metal fan. you like to see the flag raised for metal..

apart from that, both movies are quite superficial and miss some great opportunities.

Yeah, I was left with a feeling that some parts could have been more in depth. Still, great documentary! The bonus disc is pretty cool too.
I've found the film thanks to this thread :D
The friend of my friend gave it to me and I watched it yesterday. Pretty amazing! :D Very interesting, I didn't know most of those bands, there should be more such documentaries that show how metal music can be different, from how many different sources can take the inspiration and how it unites the fans from different cultures. And it's good to show some bands that aren't so much known worldwide, but their music may deserve to get to know better :)

And a fragment of Orphaned Land's live performance - greeeeat! I hope to be on such concert one day... ^^
I've been to that was truly awesome
had a few words with Sam after the show too
haven't watched Global metal yet though...i wonder if i'm on it...i was interviewed briefly but it was probably cut in editing.
i'll go and watch it.
Hi guys, long time no see!

I just finished seeing the documentary, it was ok I guess, but far from complete. It's certainly interesting to see all the cultures, yet there's an over-emphasis on Asian and Middle-Eastern scene IMO. Although I guess that's the point hehe. Orphaned Land deserved more space ;) .
Hi guys, long time no see!

I just finished seeing the documentary, it was ok I guess, but far from complete. It's certainly interesting to see all the cultures, yet there's an over-emphasis on Asian and Middle-Eastern scene IMO. Although I guess that's the point hehe. Orphaned Land deserved more space ;) .

So there should be a sequel ;) With more space for Orphaned Land :D
So there should be a sequel ;) With more space for Orphaned Land :D

actually....Global Metal is kind of a sequel to a former film called "a headbanger's journey" (a documentary about the metal scene).

maybe the next movie should tell OL's story, which is very intersting (mostly these days, when the arab-jewish conflict rages).
there is an israeli documentary about the band (and their tour to Turkey), but it is in's time to make an interenational film!
actually....Global Metal is kind of a sequel to a former film called "a headbanger's journey" (a documentary about the metal scene).

Yes, you're right, I also watched that one :)

maybe the next movie should tell OL's story, which is very intersting (mostly these days, when the arab-jewish conflict rages).
there is an israeli documentary about the band (and their tour to Turkey), but it is in's time to make an interenational film!

YESSSSSS!!! I'm for :D