'm seeing things from this part of the world, and apparently my view is different from yours in the western world..
I think after the huge effects of colonization of the late 19th until mid 20th century, people had lost a big part of their identity imo. for example, we were colonized by France, now when you walk downtown, most of the buildings have a french mark, french became the language of education right after the junior high school, we use it a lot in our speaking just like a native language (even tho the level of speaking among people is increasing becoz of the education system decline). People are getting things the wrong way i believe, they reject their own language by calling it a language of retarded (which is a retarded statement itself lol), reject their own traditions and rebel against moral rules (like, yelling at your parents coz you simply saw someone doing it in a Hollywood movie as a symbol of freedom) as well as against religion (if you refuse your religion, that means you have a free intellectual mind... ). And the problem that annoys me the most, is the idealization of the western world, whatever they do/say is correct and good and sophisticated . I mean, it's really fine to criticize your society in order to progress, I'm not a conservative person but losing the love of the land where you were born and raised is really dangerous.
The other thing is, globalization can lead people to chaos. It helps leaking false informations and change people's views in a smooth and quick way.
But in the other hand, i think it is helps people to progress in many ways, this forum can be an example, since i've been coming here , i learned a lot of stuff that expanded my knowledge, checking people's artistic work and stuff.. learn other cultures and languages and so on. ain't that bad after all